nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – 9.4 – paimbozhil vAzh

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

Full series >> Ninth decad

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avathArikai (Introduction) – she chides the five heinous sinners who torment her.

paimbozhil vAzh kuyilgAL! mayilgAL! oN karuviLaigAL!
vambak kaLanganigAL! vaNNap pUvai naRumalargAL!
aimberum pAdhagargAL! aNi mAlirunjOlai ninRa
emperumAnudaiya niRam ungaLukku enseyvadhE?

Word-by-Word Meanings

paimbozhil vAzh – inhabiting the expansive gardens
kuyilgAL – oh, cuckoos!
mayilgAL – oh, peacocks!
oN karuviLaigAL – oh, beautiful dark blue flowers!
vambak kaLanganigAL – oh, new carissa fruits!
vaNNam naRu pUvaimalargAL – oh, purple lily flowers with beautiful colour and fragrance!
ai peru pAdhagargAL – (together) the five heinous sinners!
ungaLukku – to you
aNi mAlirunjOlai ninRa emperumAnudaiya niRam en seyvadhu – for what [do you need] the complexion of the divine form of azhagar in thirumAlirunjOlai?

Simple Translation

Oh, the cuckoos inhabiting expansive gardens! Oh, peacocks! Oh, beautiful dark blue flowers! Oh, new carissa fruits! Oh, purple lily flowers with beautiful colour and fragrance! Oh, the five heinous sinners [collectively]! Why do you need the complexion of the divine form of azhagar in thirumAlirunjOlai?


Through the first part of the pAsuram, she is referring to the five heinous sinners.

paimbozhil vAzh kuyilgAL – Oh, cuckoos, who are living in the expansive gardens! You are living in the garden which I am nurturing and you are tormenting me. Alternatively, if I am destroyed, due to your torment, there will be none to look after this garden. Without realising that, you are inviting trouble for yourselves.

mayilgAL – Oh, peacocks, living in the expansive gardens! Since I am living in the same garden where you are inhabiting, you are tormenting me.

oN karuviLaigAL – Could you, having a splendour, torment me, who is also like you?

vambak kaLanganigAL – apart from cuckoos and peacocks which live permanently and which torment forever, even the fruits of carissa, which are seasonal, are tormenting me.

vaNNappUvai naRumalargAL – purple lily flowers, which have a beautiful colour and eminent fragrance, remind me of emperumAn who has a dark purple complexion and torment me.

aimberum pAdhagargAL – killing, drinking intoxicating liquor, stealing gold, lying and abusing one’s guru [teacher] are classified as give heinous sins in SAsthrams [sacred texts]. Similar to those, since these entities indulge in tormenting others and count up to five, ANdAL refers to these too as five heinous sinners.

aNilmAlrinjOlai …. enseyvadhE – while having a form which is similar to the one who is tormenting me, why are you tormenting me when you are expected to protect me? He is our swAmy (lord). We are his servitors. Should we all not be together on one side and protect ourselves from him? He had manifested his stance of standing in the beautiful hill at thirumAlirunjOlai and enticed me. Why have you taken after his complexion?

In order to give out another context, the vyAkyAnam has been written as given below:

paimbozhil vAzh kuyilgAL … vaNNappUvai naRumalargAL – emperumAn is sarvachEthanan (omniscient). Cuckoos and peacocks are chEthanam (entities with knowledge). Dark blue coloured flower, carissa fruit etc are achEthanam (entities without knowledge). If all three join together and torment me, how could I sustain myself? One who separated was he. I had got separated and am in sorrow. How can I sustain myself alone, if all of you join together and torment me? There is no surprise in his tormenting since he has got separated after uniting with me. When he had gone away after separating himself form me, you are supposed to console me. But if you too torment me, how could I live? He, who had got separated, is without any match. You, the five heinous sinners, have joined together to torment me. How could I escape?

aNimAlirunjOlai ninRa ……. enseyvadhE – While you have to protect me, why did you take on his divine complexion? If you say that you had taken it since he had offered that to you, when he made the offer, should you have not said “We do not need this complexion”?

Next, we will consider the 5th pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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