nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – 6.9 – varisilai vANmugaththu

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction) – she says that she saw in her dream, the activity described as lAjahOmam in treatises on marriage.

varisilai vANmugaththu ennaimAr thAm vandhitt(u)
erimugam pAriththu ennai munnE niRuththi
arimugan achchuthan kaimmEl en kai vaiththup
porimugandhu attak kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn

Word-by-Word Meanings

thOzhI! – Oh, dear friend!
vari silai vAL mugam – having eyebrows which were like a beautiful bow and having radiant faces
en aimAr thAm – my brothers
vandhittu – coming there
eri mugam pAriththu – making agni (fire) to glow well
munnE ennai niRuththi – making me stand in front of that agni
ari mugan – one who had the face of a lion
achchuthan – kaNNapirAn’s
kai mEl – on top of his hand
en kai vaiththu – keeping my hand
pori – puffed paddy grains
mugandhu atta – to serve fully
nAn kanAk kaNdEn – I dreamt

Simple Translation

Oh, my dear friend! I dreamt that my brothers, having their eyebrows like beautiful bows and with radiant faces, came [to the wedding dais]. They made the fire to glow resplendently and made me stand in front of that fire. They kept my hand on top of the hand of kaNNa pirAn, who had the divine face of a lion. They filled my hand with puffed paddy grains.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

varisilai vAL mugaththu ennaimAr thAm – the implied meaning is that my brothers came to the wedding dais with the proclamation “We have the right to conduct this lAja hOmam” written on their brows which appeared like bows and on their radiant faces such that everyone could see.

vandhittu erimugam pAriththu – coming to the dais where the marriage is held and making the agni (ritual fire) to glow well.

enai munnE niRuththi – since I was overcome by shyness, a typical feminine trait, and refused to come forward, they forced me and made me to stand in front of agni.

arimugan – one who had the face like a lion’s. If my brothers, who are his brothers-in-law, tried to indulge in playful activities to tease him and make him laugh, he made himself such eminent that they could not get close to him.

achchuthan – one who does not let go of. Even after they [brothers] had dropped the puffed paddy grains in agni, he did not let go of my hand. Through this, it is said that he would never let go of her.

kaimmEl en kai vaiththu – keeping my hand on top of his hand. The sequence kaimmEl en kai vaiththu indicates that when it comes to giving protection to the followers, her hand is superior to emperumAn’s hand.

pori mugandhu attak kanAk kaNdEn – I saw in my dream that my brothers filled my hand with puffed paddy grains and offered that to agni.

thOzhI! nAn – Don’t you know the tenderness of my hand? I became fortunate that now he also realises that.

Next, we will consider the 10th pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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