nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – aindhAm thirumozhi (Fifth decad) – mannu perum pugazh

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

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In the previous decad, she had fallen at the feet of the achEthana entity (one without knowledge) kUdal, due to her urge in attaining emperumAn, by telling it “nI kUdidu kUdalE” (you agree, oh kUdal!). However, it being an achEthana entity, she did not hear its response whether it will agree or disagree. Considering that there was no purpose in falling at the feet of an achEthana entity, she falls at the feet of a chEthana entity (one with knowledge) in this decad. At whose feet did she fall and what did she tell the entity to do?

When being united with emperumAn, if it hears any word, it would repeat that word and as mentioned in the saying “athiSakthyA pathathrishu” (birds will have power to fly long distances and will have knowledge), it would have lot of knowledge. Hence, considering that it would unite her with emperumAn, ANdAL falls at the feet of a cuckoo bird, beseeching it “At least, you should unite me with emperumAn”. Its distinguishing feature over kUdal is that it that it is capable of responding to a word spoken. Taking this as the prop, she requests the bird, in this decad.

sIthAp pirAtti had told rAvaNa, as mentioned in SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 21-19 “mithramaupayikam karthum rAma: sthAnam parIpsathA l vadham chA’nichchathA ghOram thvayA’sau purusharshabha ll” ((Oh rAvaNa!) If you desire your habitat, and do not desire a horrible annihilation, it is apt to befriend SrI rAma, the nest among all entities) and in SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 21-20 “vidhithas sa hi dharmagya: SaraNAgathavathsala: l
thEna maithrI bhavathu thE yadhi jIvithum ichchasi ll” ((Oh rAvaNa!) SrI rAma is famous for knowing about the path of righteousness and for having motherly forbearance towards those who have surrendered to him. If you wish to be alive, let friendship develop for you, with him)

As seen in the above two SlOkams, if someone could request unfavourable entities [such as rAvaNa] ”You could befriend SrI rAma, unite me with him and attain noble benefits”, is there any wonder to pray to favourable entities such as a cuckoo bird!

Next, we will consider the 1st pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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