perumAL thirumozhi – 8.10 – dhEvaraiyum asuraraiyum

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi >> 8th Decad

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avathArikai (Introduction)

AzhwAr sings lullaby to emperumAn who, apart from creating all the worlds with all jIvAthmAs such as dhEvas (celestial entities) and asuras (demonic entities), is reclining at SrI rangam such that all chEthanas (those with knowledge) could come and worship his divine feet.

dhEvaraiyum asuraraiyum dhisaigaLaiyum padaiththavanE!
yAvarum van(dhu) adi vaNanga aranganagarth thuyinRavanE!
kAviri nal nadhi pAyum kaNapurath(thu) en karumaNiyE!
Evari venjilai valavA! irAgavanE! thAlElO

Word-by-Word Meanings
dhEvaraiyum – celestial entities
asuraraiyum – (those who were born as their enemies) demonic entities
dhisaigaLaiyum padaiththavanE – oh one who created the worlds in all the directions!
yAvarum vandhu adi vaNanga – to enable all the living creatures to come and worship at the divine feet
aranga nagar – in SrI rangam
thuyinRavanE – oh one who reclined!
kAviri nal nadhi pAyum – such that river kAviri, which gives benefits, flows
kaNapuraththu en karumaNiyE – oh my bluish gemstone who has mercifully taken residence in thirukkaNNapuram!
Evari vem silai valavA – oh one who controls the bow which implores one to shoot [arrows], which is beautiful and which creates fear (for enemies)
irAgavanE – oh SrI rAma!
thAlElO – lullaby to you

Simple Highlights

Oh one who created celestial entities, demonic entities and the worlds in all the directions! Oh one who reclined in SrI rangam to enable all the living creatures to come and worship at the divine feet! Oh my bluish gemstone who has mercifully taken residence in thirukkaNNapuram where kAviri, which gives lot of benefits, flows! Oh one who controls the bow which implores the holder to shoot, which is beautiful and which creates fear, in enemies! Oh SrI rAma! My lullaby to you.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

dhEvaraiyum asuraraiyum dhisaigaLaiyum padaiththavanE – Oh one who created the natural enemies, celestial entities and demonic entities and who created spaces for them, to inhabit, in all the ten directions!

yAvarum vandhu adivaNanga aranga nagarth thuyinRavanE – wasn’t the purpose of creating all of them, only for them to come and take refuge under him? Oh one who came to thiruvarangam as archAvathaAram [incarnation as idol form], for that purpose, and reclined!

kAviri nal nadhi pAyum kaNapuraththu en karu maNiyE – Oh one who has come as the epitome of simplicity for all and taken residence in thirukkaNNapuram where the river kAviri, instead of having to flow through a dam where water is stored, comes on its own in full force and flows into the agricultural fields!

Evari vem silai valavA irAgavanE – Oh one who controls, as per your wish, the bow SrI SArngam in your hands, a bow which will enable anyone, who holds it in his hands, to be an archer! It is a bow which is beautiful and which will destroy enemies by the mere stance in which it is held!

irAagavanE thAlElO – my lullabies to you.

We shall take up the last pAsuram of this decad, next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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