SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
avathArikai (Introduction)
jIyar [nanjIyar] would mercifully say that this pAsuram is not to his liking. This is because, just as it is mentioned in periya thirumozhi 7-1-9 “thAyAyaLikkinRa thaNdAmaraikkaNNA” (Oh one who has divine eyes similar to cool, reddish lotus flower and who showers mercy like a mother!), sarvESvaran’s eyes which are soft are described in this pAsuram as being fiery. We could experience what AzhwAr is saying only if we too are suffering in distress, just like AzhwAr.
Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:
erikoL sennAyiRu iraNdudanE udhayam malaivAy
viriginRa vaNNaththu emperumAn kaNgaL mINdavaRRuL
erikoL sendhIvIzhasuraraippOla empOliyarkkum
virivasolleer idhuvO vaiyamuRRum viLariyadhE
Word-by-Word Meanings
emperumAn – sarvESvaran, who is my lord
kaNgaL – divine eyes
erikoL – having fire
udhayam malaivAy – in the mountains where it rises from
udanE – simultaneously
viriginRa – spreading
sem – having reddish rays
iraNdu nAyiRu – twin sUriyans’
vaNNanththa – having the true nature
erikoL – having flame
sem – reddish
thI – like fire
avaRRuL – in the splendour of the sUriyan
mINdu – again
vIzh – falling
asuraraippOla – like demons (known as mandhEhar)
empOliyarkkum – like us who are affectionate (in matters related to bhagavAn)
viriva – appeared before us
vaiyam muRRum – throughout the world
viLariyadhu – calling out
idhuvO – was it for this?
solleer – please tell
Simple Translation
The divine eyes of sarvESvaran appear like two sUriyans, spitting fire, which have risen at the same time over the mountains. Just like demons die in the splendour of sUriyan’s flames, sarvESvaran’s divine eyes are harmful for us who are devoted to him. Please tell us whether it is for this that the world is calling out to that sarvESvaran.
eri . . . – The divine eyes of sarvESvaran are similar to two reddish sUriyans which are spitting fire and spreading it when they rise over the mountains.
mINdu . . . – when the sUriyan rises, demons, known as mandhEhars, will hold on to his chariot, preventing him from going further. The divine water offered by brAhmaNAs when they offer argyam will provide a splendour to sUriyan. The demons will fall into and get destroyed in that fire. Similar to those demons who fall into that roaming sUriyan’s fire and get destroyed . . .
empOliyarkkum viriva – for those like me who desire him and become sorrowful, they cause harm just like they do for the demons.
solleer idhuvO vaiyam muRRum viLariyadhE – is this the result for the world calling out to him? Please tell. Is it to fall into that fire that the world is calling out to him? Isn’t she the one who had thought in thiruvAimozhi 2.1 decad vAyum thiraiyugaLum when she felt that the entire world was suffering from the same sorrows that she was suffering from?
mINdavaRRuL erikoL sendhIvIzhasuraraippOl empOliyarkkum – just like those demons who fall into that flame of sUriyan’s splendour and perish, these eyes are harmful for people like me.
viriva solleer – tell me a refuge. In this context, the term viriva refers to being expansive and thus implies a refuge.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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