siRiya thirumadal – 48 – kArAr thirumEni

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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kAr Ar thirumEni kaNdadhuvE kAraNamAp
pErAp pidhaRRAth thiri tharuvan pinnaiyum                       55
IrAp pugudhalum ivvudalaith thaNvAdai

Word by Word Meanings

kAr Ar thirumEni kaNdadhuvE kAraNamA – worshipping his blackish form, as the reason
pErA pidhaRRA pinnaiyum thiri tharuvan – transforming (from thirumangai AzhwAr, as a male, to parakAla nAyagi, as a female), talking incoherently, and furthermore, roaming around [aimlessly]
thaN vAdai – the cool breeze
ivvudalai IrAp pugudhalum – entering my body after splitting it


kArAr thirumEni kaNdadhuvE kAraNamA – seeing his divine body, which is pleasing to the eyes of the beholder, as the reason. parakAla nAyagi’s mother is one who is fully engaged with the qualilties of basic nature [of emperumAn’s] like rishis (sages) while the pirAtti (parakAla nAyagi) is one who is fully engaged with the divine form and the characteristics of the divine form like AzhwArs. For those who are engaged with the qualities of basic nature, even if they get separated [from emperumAn] they can sustain themselves with the knowledge of those qualities. However, there is nothing to sustain those who are engaged with the beauty of the divine form and who get separated from it. Since the mother had knowledge of the qualities [of emperumAn] like the sages, she was able to sustain herself. For the pirAtti, this became impossible as she was engaged with the divine form.

pErA – I transformed myself. I lost my form as the king of thirumangai, a male, and took the female form of parakAla nAyagi.

pidhaRRA – I lost my quality of self-control as a female and started talking incoherently.

thiri tharuvan pinnaiyum – once a woman loses her self-control, it is better that she dies. Instead of doing that, I roamed around with the body which tortured me, just like the yAthanA SarIram (body which a soul takes in hell which will make it to endure all the pain inflicted during punishment in hell) which cannot be got rid of.

IrAppugudhalum – when the northerly, cold wind enters the body and splits it, one can remain without suffering the torture for some time, at least. However, this wind, even as it entered the body, split it.

ivvudalai – two interpretations: 1) emaciated body which is so weak that once someone even touches it, the body will fall down and the blame for killing will fall on the one who touched it; 2) this body should have fallen the moment it got separated from emperumAn; since it is still alive, this punishment is apt for this body.

thaNvAdai – since it is the breeze which is coming from the snow covered mountains (north), being cold by its nature, it will be like a weapon for those who are boiling due to the pain of separation. Since it is chill, it appears to be like a poisoned weapon and is torturing further.

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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