siRiya thirumadal – 30 – mOrAr kudamurutti

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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mOrAr kudamurutti mun kidandha thAnaththE                                               33
OrAdhavan pOl kidandhAnaik kaNdavaLum

 Word by Word Meanings

mOr Ar kudam – the pot which is full of buttermilk
urutti – making it to roll (to manifest his lack of desire in it)
mun kidandha thAnaththE – in the same place where he was lying earlier
OrAdhavan pOl – as if he did not know anything
kidandhAnai – kaNNa, who was lying down


arugirundha mOr Ar kudam urutti – his childishness will not stop with eating the butter. Just as it is mentioned in periyAzhwAr thirumozhi 2-9-1 “veNNey vizhungi veRungalaththai veRpidaiyittu adhan Osai kEtkum kaNNapirAn kaRRa kalvi” (after swallowing the butter (without leaving anything behind), kaNna will break the empty pot on a stone and relish the sound of its breaking. Such is the trickery that he has learnt!) isn’t he the one who relishes the sound of the pot getting broken after he has eaten the butter inside and breaking it on a stone! In the distinguished meaning for this verse, empirAn takes the AthmA which is inside the body, which is like the sweet butter and relishes getting rid of the body which is like the pot. In the same way, here too he eats butter which is the essence and discards the pot containing buttermilk which is the residue (after butter had been removed from it). Just as he cannot bear to see thankless people amidst his devotees, he cannot bear to see pot of buttermilk near the pot of butter and hence rolls it down. In the distinguished meaning this translates into his liking for those who are full of essence [of being devoted to emperumAn] and relishing them and his hatred for those who are full of residue [of not being devoted to him] and despising them. Even among vEdhas (sacred texts) has he not praised those who are engaged with the second part [vEdhAntham] which is full of essence by exclaiming “brAhmaNO mama dhEvathA” (these intelligent people are my dhEvathAs [highly respected entities]) while despising those who are engaged with the first part [dealing with mere activities] which is not of essence by disclaiming, as in bhagavath gIthA SlOkam 2-42avipaSchitha: vEdha vAdha rathA:” (the ignorant people who engage in arguing about vEdham)! While bhattar  was reciting the siRiya thirumadal from AzhwAr maNdapam inside SrIrangam temple, he would say “brAhmaNarudaiya dhanaththaiyellAm pAzhE pOkkinAn”. The meaning for this is: the brAhmaNas who are engaged in rituals as mentioned in the first part of vEdham would treat butter, milk, curd, buttermilk etc which are used in the rituals, as their wealth. emperumAn, seeing that they are leaving him, who is the ultimate purushArtham (benefit), and are considering these lowly purushArthams as important, ate up all the butter, milk, curd etc and rolled down the pots of buttermilk, thus destroying their wealth.

mun kidandha thAnaththE – fearing that someone may be seeing [him eating butter etc], he fell down in anxiety. Fortunately for him, the place where he fell down happened to be the place where he was [deceptively] sleeping before.

mun kidandha thAnaththE – even if he is accused of stealing [butter] it would appear as if he had stolen by getting up with the bed and lying back [after eating the butter] with the face, legs and hands in the same places as they were before.

OrAdhavan pOl kidandhAnai – if someone were to look at him, he would say “He has no thoughts about butter at all”. He lay down such that he was totally ignorant in this matter. Even as the buttermilk [which he had kicked and made to spill on the floor] had wet his mat, he lay down as if he knew nothing.

kaNdavaLum – wasn’t it she [yaSOdhA] who had given birth to him? From the way he lay on the mat, she knew that he had done [the mischief]

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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