SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
961) prANadhruth (प्राणधृत्)
He also bears them like an affectionate mother. Thus, he is called ‘prANadhruth’.
Etymology: Since he bears such souls like a mother, he is called ‘prANadhruth’ by learned men.
तान् मातृवद्धारयति प्राणधृत् स स्मृतॊ बुधैः |
962) prANajIvana: (प्राणजीवनः)
He nurtures them like food and water, and enlivens them. Thus, he is called ‘prANajIvana:’.
Etymology: He, who enlivens such individual souls and nurtures them like food and water, is called ‘prANajIvana:’.
जीवयत्यन्नवज्जीवान् स उक्तः प्राणजीवनः |
963) thaththvam (तत्त्वम्)
Just like butter/cream inside curds or milk, bhagavAn is the essence of all sentient and insentient entities – which are benefitted by his indwelling. Thus, he is called ‘thaththvam’.
The scriptures say thus:
- “Having taken refuge under gOvindha, who is the supreme entity and also the origin and destination of all the worlds (all creatures therein), one will never perish”
- “If we take the entire creation on one hand, and bhagavAn janArdhana on the other, the side on which janArdhana stands would be considered higher – because he is the essence of the entire world”
Etymology: He, who is the essence of the entire world / creation, is called ‘thaththvam’.
सारांशभूतॊ जगतॊ यॊsसौ तत्त्वमिति स्मृतः |
964) thaththvavith (तत्त्ववित्)
Similarly, bhagavAn knows about himself. Thus, he is called ‘thaththvavith’.
The scriptures say thus:
- “You can only know about yourself (oh brahman!)”
- “Oh purushOththama! Only you can know about yourself with your intellect”
Etymology: He who knows the truth about himself is called ‘thaththvavith’.
वॆत्ति यः स्वात्मनस्तत्त्वं तत्त्ववित् स च कथ्यतॆ |
965) EkAthmA (एकात्मा)
bhagavAn is the sole master, enjoyer and well wisher for all the sentient and insentient entities in this creation. Thus, he is called ‘EkAthmA’.
Etymology: The sole master, enjoyer and well wisher of all sentient and insentient entities is called ‘EkAthmA’. This seven lettered manthra confers life unto all chanters.
शॆषी भॊक्ताsभिमानी चाप्यॆकश्चिदचितॊस्तु यः |
एकात्मा इति सप्तार्णः सर्वप्राणप्रदॊ मनुः ||
966) janmamruthyujarAthiga: (जन्ममृत्युजरातिगः)
Even then, he is aloof from the characteristics of those sentient and insentient entities – namely birth, death, aging, etc. Thus, he is called ‘janmamruthyujarAthiga:’.
Etymology: He who is devoid of the characteristics of sentient and insentient entities (namely birth, death, aging, transformations, etc) is called ‘janmamruthyujarAthiga:’.
चिदचिद्धर्महीनॊ यॊ जन्ममृत्युजरातिगः |
भूर्भुवस्स्वस्तरुस्तारः सविता प्रपितामहः ।
यज्ञॊ यज्ञपतिर्यज्वा यज्ञाङ्गॊ यज्ञवाहनः ॥ १०४ ॥
967) bhUrbhuvassvastharusthAra: (भूर्भुवस्स्वस्तरुस्तारः)
bhagavAn is like the leafy and flowery pArijAtha tree, which is the shelter for many birds. He provides shelter for all the creatures identified with the worlds of ‘bhU:’, ‘bhuva:’ and ‘suva:’. Thus, he is called ‘bhUrbhuvassvastharusthAra:’.
parAsara maharishi hails thus in the vishNu purANam: “The tree called ‘parabrahma’ will doubtlessly shower ripe fruits to all those who take refuge under it”
Etymology: He who is the refuge of all creatures in the three worlds – bhU:, bhuva: and suva: – is called ‘bhUrbhuvassvastharusthAra:’. This ten lettered manthra confers every desire of the chanter.
भूरादिभिर्लक्षितानां जीवानां यः समाश्रयः |
भूर्भुवस्स्वस्तरुः स स्यात् दशार्णः सर्वदॊ मनुः ||
968) thAra: (तारः) (also seen in 340)
Since bhagavAn is the cause for all such souls to cross the ocean of samsAra, he is called ‘thAra:’.
Etymology: bhagavAn is called ‘thAra:’ since he enables all creatures to cross samsAra.
संसारतारणात् तॆषां तारः स्यात् प्राणिनां सदा |
969) savithA (सविता) (also seen in 887)
bhagavAn himself is the creator of all those creatures. Hence, he is called ‘savithA’.
Etymology: He who is the creator of all creatures is called ‘savithA’.
साक्षात् जनयिता यॊsसौ सर्वस्य सविता स्मृतः |
970) prapithAmaha: (प्रपितामहः)
bhagavAn is called ‘prapithAmaha:’ because he is the creator of even the four faced brahmA – who is considered as the foremost person to be born.
Etymology: He who is the creator of even four faced brahmA is called ‘prapithAmaha:’.
साक्षात् पितामहस्य जनकः प्रपितामह उच्यतॆ |
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