periya thirumadal – 93 – than nilaimai ellAm

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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than nilaimai ellAm aRivippan thAn munanAL
minnidai Aychchiyar tham sErikkaLavinkaN                                                         137

Word by word meaning

than nilaimai ellAm aRivippan – I will expose all his qualities
munam nAL – in earlier time (during krishNAvathAram)
minnidai Aychchiyar tham sEri – in the hamlet of cow-herd girls whose slender waists were like lightning
kaLavin kaN – in a cunning way


than nilaimai ellAm aRivippan – I will expose everything – how he showed his divine form, then separated from me, created distress in me, made me engage with madal, and even after that, not showing up for me. Since he has decided that I alone am not required for him, I will make him not required for this world, by exposing his bad qualities.

Now, thirumangai AzhwAr (as parakAla nAyaki) intends to prove that all the divine activities of emperumAn which made AzhwArs like him to become bewildered saying “eththiRam” (how amazing!) as lowly activities.

thAn munanAl . . .  peRRimaiyum – I will make it known to the whole world as to how he had stolen butter from the hamlets of cow-herd girls and how he was caught and tied to the mortar.

thAn – how shameful that he has indulged in this activity [of stealing butter] and is proud that “I have done it”

muna nAL – did not this activity come about at a very young age? Is he remaining calm since he thinks that the worldly people would have forgotten it?

minnidai – was it not to see how the lightning-like waists of the cow-herd girls trembled when they came chasing him that he indulged in stealing butter!

minnidai Aychchiyar tham – It is true that he indulged in stealing. But was it carried out with valorous men like me? Was it not from weak women that he stole?

Aychchiyar tham sErikkaLavin kaN – Did he steal like I did, crossing nine well guarded streets in nAgappattaNam? [thirumangai AzhwAr, in order to feed thousand brAhmaNas every day, had to indulge in stealing valuable materials; one such activity was in stealing a golden statue of budhdha from a budhdha vihAra in nAgappattaNam] Was it not from the hamlets of cow-herd boys and cow-herd girls which had only huts, without any protection?

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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