periya thirumadal – 56 – minni oLi padaippa

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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minni oLi padaippa vINANum thOL vaLaiyum
manniya kuNdalamum Aramum nINmudiyum                                                  76
thunnu veyil viriththa chULAmaNi imaippa

Word by word meaning

minni oLi padaippa – emitting radiance similar to lightning
vIzh nANum – the waist cord which is much desired
thOL vaLaiyum – the  ornaments worn on the shoulders
manniya kuNdalamum – the divine ear rings which are fitting well
Aramum – the chain (worn on the divine chest)
nIL mudiyum – the huge divine crown
thunnu veyil viriththa chULAmaNi imaippa – the lustrous ruby which is embedded on the radiant locks


min oLi padaippa – just as it is said in thiruvAimozhi 4-2-10minsey pUN mArvinan” (one whose divine chest is decorated with ornaments which are lustrous), having a radiance which will make it appear as if he is wearing lightning as an ornament.

vINANum – pirAtti is known as hiraNyaprAkArA (she is an attribute for emperumAn who is like gold). His divine cord worn on the waist appears like a hiraNya prAkAram (fort made of gold) for her. His waist cord is like a wave which has been lapped by a beautiful ocean.

thOL vaLaiyum – just like a valorous anklet for the divine feet, for the shoulders under which all the three worlds take refuge, he has armlet. These ornaments for the shoulder hide his shoulders to ward off evil eyes.

manniya kuNdalamum – the shiny, fish-shaped ear rings which appear as if they have blossomed on his ears, as a natural phenomenon.

Aramum – the chain which appears in a similar way, fitting well on his chest.

nIN mudiyum – the crown, which has been placed on his head to indicate that he is the head of thirunaRaiyUr, became the crown to indicate that he is the lord for both the vibhUthis (spriritual realm and materialistic realm). nammAzhwAr, in his thiruviruththam pAsuram 50 says “viN mudhal nAyagan nINmudi” (the long crown of emperumAn who is lord of paramapadham (SrIvaikuNtam)).

thunnu veyil  viriththa chULAmaNi imaippa – the radiance of the jewel chUdAmaNi (a jewel worn on the crown) was far superior to all the other lustrous materials. thunnugai – being superior to. If an entity is very beautiful, people would cast evil eyes on it. To suppress the beauty [of emperumAn], the radiance from his jewel chULAmani shone far superior to all the other ornaments’ radiance, thus hiding his beauty.

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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