periya thiruvandhAdhi – 30 – ingillai paNdupOl

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr says “Let emperumAn’s greatness and eminence remain. After we start meditating on his auspicious qualities, there is no place in our heart for our karmas (virtuous and sinful deeds) which have been troubling us and which were hurdles in attaining him”.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

ingillai paNdupOl vIRRiruththal ennudaiya
sengaNmAl sIrkkum siRidhuLLam angE
madiyadakki niRpadhanil valvinaiyAr thAm mINdu
adiyeduppadhanRO azhagu

Word by Word Meanings

ingu – in my mind (for my karmas)
paNdu pOl – like earlier times
vIRRiruththal illai – there is no place to sit expansively
ennudaiya sengaNmAl – my swAmy (lord), having reddish eyes indicating affection, that sarvESvaran’s
sIrkkum – auspicious qualities
(idamillAdahapadi – without a place)
uLLam siRidhu – my heart is very small
valvinaiyAr thAm – my cruel sins
angE – in that same place (wherefrom they were ruling)
madi adakki niRpadhanil – instead of standing submissively, folding the end of their dress
mINdu – moving away from there
adi eduppadhanRO azhagu – isn’t stepping back, a thing of beauty?


ingillai paNdu pOl vIRRiruththal – There is no place in my heart for my karmas (virtuous and sinful deeds) which were sitting expansively as if they were ruling my heart since time immemorial. vIRRiruththal – sitting in a way which displays their excellence.

What has happened now for them?

ennudaiya sengaNmAl sIrkkum siRidhuLLam – my heart is so small that there is no place even for the auspicious qualities of emperumAn who is my swAmy (lord) and who has reddish eyes. The term sengaNmAl indicates that he is supreme and that he has deep affection towards his followers. mAl – he is a huge supreme being.

Next, AzhwAr says something assuming that the sins had requested him “We will stand in a corner there itself”

angE madi adakki niRpadhanil valvinaiyAr thAm mINdu adi eduppadhanRO azhagu – AzhwAr says that it will be respectable for the cruel sins to vacate their place instead of standing in a corner, shrinking themselves, in the place where they were ruling roost all along. AzhwAr is using the term valvinaiyAr in a derisive way [to indicate as if he is giving them respect]. madi – refers to the front portion of the dress worn by women which is tucked in the waist. madiyadakki indicates that the cruel sins are willing to stand in a corner, by shrinking themselves.

The essence of this pAsuram is that sins will be removed if one meditates on emperumAn’s auspicious qualities.

We will take up the 31st pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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