mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 92 – magan oruvarkku

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr tells his heart to think fully of emperumAn who is capable of destroying enemies of followers. Instead of thinking of him as one who has been imprisoned, think of him as one who is capable of severing our imprisonment.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

magan oruvarkkallAdha mAmEni mAyan
maganAm avan magan than kAdhal maganai
siRai seydha vANan thOL seRRAn kazhalE
niRai seydhu en nenjE ninai

Word by Word Meanings

en nenjE – Oh my mind!
oruvarkku magan allAdha – not having to be born as a son to anyone (on the basis of his karma, deeds)
mAmEni – having a great divine form
mAyan – kaNNan (krishNa) with amazing activities
magan Am – he was born as a son (to vasudhEvar and dhEvaki)
avan magan than – his son pradhyumna’s
kAdhal maganai – favourite son anirudhdhAzhwAn (anirudhdha)
siRai seydha – one who imprisoned [anirudhdha]
vANan – bANAsura’s
thOL – thousand shoulders
seRRAn – one who severed
kazhalE – the divine feet alone
niRai seydhu – being complete
ninai – think of


magan oruvarkku allAdha mA mEni mAyan – one who manifests in his own divine form that he is not born as a son to anyone and one who has amazing power.

magan oruvarkku allAdha – one who is totally independent. He is “avyaya: pithA” (indestructible father). He is a father who will never die.

mA mEni – he has a divine form fit to be worshipped.

mAyan – he has amazing qualities such as knowledge, strength etc.

maganAm – How amazing! One, who is a father to everyone, incarnates as a son. Has it not been mentioned in thaiththirIya upanishath yajur 3-12-9 “pithA puthrENa pithrumAn yOni yOnau” (he is a father to all the world. He selects one as his father and incarnates in each birth, as that person’s son)! Since he does not have the necessity for being a son, this is something which he gets that he would otherwise not have got. For anyone, desire is created in something which he does not have. In the same way, for emperumAn, desire is created in being a son. He, who is father to everyone, in order to save what he has created, assumes the role of a son, and begets a son. There too, in whichever birth they become his sons, he also becomes a son in those births. If emperumAn, who does not have a birth, voluntarily takes up a birth, will he not carry out deeds till the limits of the birth! bANAsura (a demon) imprisoned anirudhdha, who is the son of pradhyuna, who in turn is krishNa’s son. Wouldn’t affection be more towards grandson than son! Such bANAsura, who imprisoned the grandson anirudhdha . . . . .

vANan thOL seRRAn – he destroyed the forest of bANAsura’s shoulders [the demon had a thousand shoulders and hence they looked like a forest of shoulders].

seRRAn kazhalE – the divine feet of one who severed the shoulders of bANAsura so that he could never imprison anyone.

niRai seydhu in nenjE ninai – Oh my heart! Try to think of him fully. Even as he removes your enemies, you enjoy.

We will take up the 93rd pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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