SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
AzhwAr says that emperumAn will be the refuge only for those who attain periya pirAttiyAr’s divine feet as the refuge.
Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:
sArvu namakkenRum chakkaraththAn thanduzhAyth
thArvAzh varaimArvan thAn muyangum kArArndha
vAnamaruminnimaikkum vaNdAmarai nedungaN
thEnamarum pUmEl thiru
Word by Word Meanings
chakkaraththAn – one who has sudharSanam [divine disc] in his divine hand
thaN thuzhAy thAr vAzh – one who has the cool thuLasi garland
varai mArvan thAn – by emperumAn, who has mountain-like chest
muyangum – one who is together with him
kAr Arndha vAn – in the sky full of dark clouds
amarum – one which is established well
min – like lightning
imaikkum – being resplendent
vaN thAmarai – like a beautiful lotus
nedu – wide
kaN – having divine eyes
thEn amarum pU mEl – one who lives atop a lotus which is full of honey
thiru – periya pirAttiyAr (SrI mahAlakshmi)
namakku enRum sArvu – is our refuge for all times
sArvu namakku enRum – when we are in danger, our refuge is emperumAn. Whether we are in danger or not, the refuge always is periya pirAttiyAr. Just as it is mentioned in SrI bhagavath gIthA 6-5 “Athmaivaripur Athmana:” (for AthmA, mind is enemy), when we cannot be refuge to ourselves, emperumAn remains as our refuge. When he too, out of his total independence, is angry towards us, only periya pirAttiyAr is our refuge. The difference between emperumAn and periya pirAtti is the same as the difference between us and emperumAn. We only keep looking for whatever is advantageous to us. emperumAn is one who gets very angry with us, looking at our sins. Has it not been said in SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 27 – 45 “rAgavAdhdhi bhayam gOram” (due to the severe fear towards SrI rAma)! But, if he is angry, it is pirAtti who lowers it. Since she is his consort, he cannot but do what she likes.
chakkaraththAn – the supreme being who has chakkaram (divine disc). He has the divine disc as a symbol of protection. nammAzhwAr too has mercifully said in periya thiruvandhAdhi 87 “eppozhudhum kai kazhalA nEmiyAn nam mEl vinai kadivAn” (one from whose hand the divine disc will never disappear, will remove our sins).
thanduzhAyth thArvAzh varai mArban – one who has the divine thuLasi garland on his divine shoulders.
thanduzhAyth thArvAzh varai marban thAn – donning the divine thuLasi garland as the symbol of being the head of all wealth. emperumAn himself, who has mountain-like chest.
thAn muyangum – one who is donning the divine thuLasi garland as the symbol of sweetness, will himself embrace. muyangudhal – embracing. In other words, he will be happy with pirAtti. She will offer herself to him. emperumAn who is like this, will make her [say] “agalagillEn” (inseparable) from him. He will say that he feels agalagillEn from her. The reason for a mother being very affectionate towards her husband is the cause of good things happening to the child. The simile for this is given ahead.
kArArndha vAnamarum minnimaikkum – just as lightning flashes across the sky with dark clouds, [SrI mahAlakshmi is] shining with a complexion contrary to the dark colour [of emperumAn].
vaNdAmarai nedungaN – one who has wide lotus-like eyes which look at followers with affection and magnanimity. SrI vishNu purANam 1-9-105 says “paSyathAm sarvadhEvAnAm yayau vakshasthalam harE: ” (even as the celestial entities were watching, thirumagaL (SrI mahAlakshmi) attained the divine chest of emperumAn). That she did not bother about the celestial entities watching is indicated here by the 6th case. Just as mentioned in SrI vishNu purANam 1-9-106 “thayA vilOkithA dhEvA: harivakshasthalasthayA lakshmyA maithrEya sahasA parAm nirvruthimAgathA:” (the celestial entities who were graced by lakshmi dhEvi from the divine chest of hari (emperumAn) were very joyous), residing in the divine chest of emperumAn, pirAtti graces the chEthanas who travel far and wide in search of wealth so that the swelling in their soles would disappear.
thEnamarum pUmEl thiru – periya pirAttiyAr, who is sitting atop a lotus which is full of honey, is our refuge at all times.
thEnamarum pUmEl thiru – periya pirAttiyAr who has unlimited sweetness, is our refuge.
This completes the translation of mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi.
periya pirAtti samEdha periya perumAL thiruvadigaLE SaraNam
pEyAzhwAr thiruvadigaLE SaraNam
emperumAnAr thiruvadigaLE SaraNam
nampiLLai thiruvadigaLE SaraNam
perivAchchAn piLLai thiruvadigaLE SaraNam
jIyar thirivadigaLE SaraNam
appiLLai thiruvadigaLE SaraNam
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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