mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 77 – Ayndha aru maRaiyOn

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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In the earlier pAsuram, AzhwAr had said that our sins will disappear once we attain him. In this pAsuram he says that not only the ordinary chEthanas (sentient persons), even when very knowledgeable ones, not knowing what is going to happen in the days to come, try to self-destroy themselves, it is he who does them good and protects them. In the earlier pAsuram, AzhwAr said that we do not know what is good for us, apart from him. In this pAsuram he says that not only we, even brahmA et al do not know. It is only emperumAn who knows what is good for them, AzhwAr says in this pAsuram.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

AyndhavarumaRaiyOn nAnmugaththOn nanguRangil
vAyndha kuzhaviyAy vALarakkan Eyndha
mudippOdhu mUnREzhenReNNinAn Arndha
adippOdhu nangatkaraN

Word by Word Meanings

Ayndhu – analysing well and learning
arumaRaiyOn – having the great vEdhas (sacred texts)
nAnmugaththOn – brahmA, who has four faces; his
nanguRangil – beautiful lap
vAyndha – being seen
kuzhaviyAy – being an infant
vAl arakkan – armoured rAvaNa’s
Eyndha – fit (to be severed)
pOdhu mudi – garlanded heads
mUnru Ezh enRu eNNinAn – one who showed by counting with his divine feet that three plus seven equals ten
adi pOdhu – lotus like divine feet
nangatku – for us
Arndha araN – faultless means


Ayndha arumaRaiyOn nAnmugaththOn – the four faced brahmA, who analysed the vEdhas (sacred texts)  taught to him by emperumAn and is capable of understanding the meanings of vEdhas and vEdhAnthas (upanishaths)

nan kuRangil – on his beautiful lap

vAyndha kuzhaviyAy – as an infant, who was seen; as a beautiful child. rAvaNa approached brahmA for getting boons; at that time, in order to protect his identity, he hid his ten heads and bowed down to brahmA. brahmA, lacking in natural leadership qualities, became vain on seeing someone bowing to him, wanted to grant the boons asked for by rAvaNa, without thinking of the difficulties that they (celestial entities) would face. emperumAn, knowing that these people will come to him for succour when troubled by rAvaNa, came as an infant on the lap of brahmA and conveyed the meaning “” if you give him excessive boons, your country will be ruined; you will lose your dwelling; understand that the one who has come is the cruel rAvaNa” by scratching the ten heads of rAvaNa with his divine foot and disappeared.

vAL arakkan – rAvaNa who was armed with sword

Eyndha mudippOdhu – just as animals such as goat etc are garlanded before being decapitated, rAvaNa too had decorated his head fit to be severed, with garland.

mUnRu Ezh enRu eNNinAn – just as the act of a child, he counted the heads of rAvaNa with his divine foot.

mUnRu Ezhu– instead of counting as seven plus three, he counted as three plus seven, as an ignorant child.

Arndha adippOdhu nangatku araN – his divine feet, with unlimited sweetness, is our protection. The divine feet, which help in fulfilling what emperumAn thinks of, will be helpful like a fort for people like us who have nowhere else to go and who do not have any ulterior benefit to seek.

Arndha adippOdhu – the flower like divine feet of emperumAn which are full of sweetness.

We will take up the 78th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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