SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
AzhwAr enjoys the experience of the divine lotus-like navel which, even as emperumAn is reclining in a semi-sleepy condition, looks at the togetherness of emperumAn’s thiruchchakkaraththAzhwAn (divine disc) and thiruchchangAzhwAn (divine conch) and keeps blossoming and shrivelling. He enjoys the half-asleep condition of emperumAn after he had destroyed the demons hiraNya kashyap, madhu and kaitabha.
Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:
Angu malarum kuviyum mAl undhi vAy
Ongu kamalaththin oNpOdhu Angaith
thigirisudar enRum veNsangam vAnil
pagarumadhi enRum pArththu
Word by Word Meanings
mAl – thirumAl’s (emperumAn’s)
undhivAy – in the divine navel
Ongu – rising tall
oN kamalaththin pOdhu – beautiful lotus flower
kai – in emperumAn’s right hand
Am – being present
thigiri – divine disc
sudar enRum – thinking it to be sun
(kai Am) – in his left hand
veN sangam – white divine conch
vAnil pagarum madhi enRum – thinking it as moon which is emitting light in the sky
pArththu – thinking this way
Angu – simultaneously
malarum kuviyum – it [the lotus] will blossom and shrivel
Angu malarum kuviyum Al – in the same position, lotus flower will blossom as well as shrivel
Angu – at that time. In other words, simultaneously.
undhivAy Ongu kamalaththin oN pOdhu – the beautiful lotus flower which is rising tall from emperumAn’s divine navel
Angaith thigiri sudar enRum – it [lotus flower] will think that the divine disc on his right hand is sun
veN sangam vAnil pagarum madhi enRum – looking at the white divine conch pAnchajanyam which is on the other divine hand, it will think that it is the moon which is travelling in the sky
Ongu kamalaththin oN pOdhu Angu malarum kuviyum Al – it carries out the activity simultaneously which sun and moon carry out in two different states. Since sun and moon are seen at the same time, the lotus will carry out the activities simultaneously. In other words, it will blossom after looking at the divine disc, thinking it to be sun. It will shrivel, after looking at the divine conch, thinking it to be moon. Divine disc will not let the lotus to shrivel and divine conch will not let the lotus to blossom. They will make it to remain in a neutral way. While referring to emperumAn, thirumangai AzhwAr has mercifully mentioned in periya thirumozhi 7-10-1 as “arumbinai alarai” (emperumAn is between the stages of a flower bud and the flower blossoming; i.e. between the states of adolescence and youthfulness).
We will take up the 68th pAsuram next.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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