mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 43 – sinamA madhakaLiRRin

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr wonders whether emperumAn protected only one prahlAdha. He says that when the danger crosses limits, doesn’t he protect everyone by keeping everyone inside him! Aren’t the worlds existing merely by his sankalpam (will)!

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

sinamA madhakaLiRRin thiN maruppaich chAyththu
punamEya bhUmi adhanai dhanamAgap
pEragalaththuLLodukkum pErAra mArvanAr
OragalathuL uLLadhu ulagu

Word by Word Meanings

sinam mA madha – being angry and having huge exultation
kaLiRRin – the elephant (kuvalayApIdam)
thiN maruppai – its strong tusks
sAyththu – one who broke it
punam mEya – being together with arable land
bhUmi adhanai – the earth
dhanam Aga – considering it as a gift
pEr agalaththuL odukkum – one who protected by keeping in his expansive stomach
pEr Aram mArvanAr – emperumAn, who has donned huge chains on his chest, his
Or agalaththu – in a part of his knowledge, which is in sankalparUpam (in the form of his will or solemn vow)
ulagu uLLadhu – all the worlds are existing


sina mA madha kaLiRRin thiN maruppaich chAyththu – breaking the tusks of the elephant kuvalayApIdam which was angry, huge, in exultation and not knowing what is going on around it; snatching it effortlessly.

punamEya bhUmi adhanai – the earth which has arable land, which could be enjoyed by the sentient entities [by cultivating]

dhanamAga – considering it as a wealth

bhUmiyadhanaith thanamAga – did he not protect earth which has forests and streams [implying ups and downs or in other words, rough terrain] as a great wealth!

pEragalaththu uL odukkum – one who has the ability to protect it inside his stomach which [stomach] is so huge that even after keeping these worlds inside his stomach, it could be said that there was still a lot of space.

pEr Ara mArvanAr – even when he swallows all the worlds, he does it so capably that his decorations do not get disturbed. His qualities are also equally beautiful. It is implied here that even as he protected the worlds which were his possessions, it appeared that he had decked himself up with ornaments out of that happiness.

Or agalaththuL uLLadhu ulagu – the worlds are in his incomparable, immeasurable sankalpa (will / thought). We can also construe that the worlds are in the memory of his knowledge which is in the form of his will. While he can protect the worlds through his mere thoughts, the fact that he physically carried out the act by keeping them in his stomach indicates the affection that he has for his followers.

We will take up the 44th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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