mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 23 – virumbi viN

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr told his heart to desire to see emperumAn fully. His instruction immediately fructified. His heart immediately started desiring as he had asked. Shouldn’t AzhwAr’s heart be like this!

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

virumbi viN maNNaLandha anjiRaiya vaNdAr
surumbu thuLaiyil senRu Udha arumbum
punam thuzhAyAn ponnam kazhaRkE
manam thuzhAy mAlAy varum

Word by Word Meanings

am siRaiya vaNdu – female beetles with beautiful wings
Ar surumbu – the male beetles which will never separate from them
thuLaiyil senRu Udha – blowing in the nerves (of flowers)

(due to that)
arumbum – blossoming
punam thuzhAy mAlaiyAn – emperumAn who is donning thuLasi garland, where the thuLasi is always fresh as if it were on its own field
virumbi viN maN aLandha pon am kazhaRkE – in the matter of the beautiful divine feet which measured the outer worlds as well as earth, desirously
manam – my heart
thuzhAy – fully immersed
mAl Ay varum – is lying bewildered.


virumbi viN maN aLandhaAzhwAr says that emperumAn measured the skies and earth as if he had obtained something which was not his to start with. Since it is stated that he measured it wilfully, he did not measure the worlds which had forests and streams [uneven surfaces with ups and downs] because he had to, but because he wanted to.

anjiRaiya vaNdu – beetle with beautiful wings

Ar surumbu – beetle which is together with divine thuLasi. periyavAchchAn piLLai, one of he commentators for this prabandham, makes a distinction here – while vaNdu would refer to beetle, since AzhwAr has used the term surumbu which means male beetle, the first term vaNdu would refer to female beetle and the two are together always.

thuLaiyil senRu Udha – the beetles know where honey gets generated and hence they go to such nerve roots and blow with their mouths.

arumbum punam thuzhAy mAlaiyAn – due to such act [of the beetles] the thuLasi just blossoms. Since thuLasi is constantly touching the divine chest of emperumAn, the garland believes that it is very much on its own habitat and hence is always fresh.

Such emperumAn’s …..

ponnam kazhaRkE – at the beautiful divine feet

manam thuzhAy mAlAy varum – the mind will come wilfully, with total infatuation, to delve [into such divine feet]. The mind will get bewildered at the thuLasi garland of emperumAn and stay that way. Due to infatuation, mind will get bewildered and come searching. AzhwAr’s mind will suffer just as the beetles suffered at the hands of divine thuLasi.

We will move on to the 24th pAsuram.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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