iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi – 89 – kadhavikkadham siRandha

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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emperumAn asks AzhwAr “Have I helped anyone who has held on to me, for you to say like this?” to which AzhwAr responds “Haven’t you done so?”. AzhwAr says how the karmas (deeds, both good and bad) of those who hold on to him disappear. He tells about the way emperumAn carries out activities for his followers and how he removes their enemies.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

kadhavikkadham siRandha kanjanai mun kAyndhu
Adhavip pOr yAnai osiththu padhaviyAy
pANiyAl nIrERRup paNdorukAl mAvaliyai
mANiyAy koNdilaiyE maN

Word by Word Meaning

kadham siRandha – very angry
kanjanai – kamsa
mun kadhavik kAyndhu – getting angry with him in his presence
poR yAnai – the elephant kuvalayApidam which came to fight with him [krishNa]
adhavi – controlling it
osiththu – breaking its tusks
paNdu oru kAl – once upon a time
padhaviyAy – having the quality of gentleness
mANiyAy – as a brahmachAri (bachelor)
mAvaliyai – king mahAbali
pANiyAl – with hand
nIr ERRu – taking water as indication of accepting alms
maN koNdilaiyE – did you not obtain earth?


kadham siRandha kanjanai – kamsa who was very angry

kadhavi mun kAyndhu – like spitting fire

mun kAyndhu – doing to himself what he wanted to do (i.e. while kamsa wanted to kill krishNa, krishNa killed kamsa)


kadhavi – getting angry

kadham siRandhu – it can be said that the anger itself appeared to be beautiful

adhavip pOr yAnai osiththu – breaking the tusks of the elephant, incapacitating it. krishNa kept dodging the elephant and drove it such that the elephant became tired and he pulled out its tusks without any effort. This was done to help vasudhEva and dhEvaki.

padhaviyAy – being very simple. Since you [emperumAn], despite having so much strength, saw a good quality in mahAbali. Alternatively the word padhaviyAy can be construed as – unlike killing kamsan, emperumAn honourably let mahAbali to live.

pANiyAl – with the hand which had only given to others all along

nIr ERRu – getting very joyous at getting back his possession of the worlds as if it is something which he could never get

paNdoru kAl mANiyAyk koNdilaiyE maN – did you accept it as a gift such that your wealth (greatness) showed? Did you not accept the gift as a bachelor, manifesting the quality of seeking alms! It appeared as if your hands had got scarred by accepting alms continuously. Even as emperumAn left SrIvaikuNtam for his incarnation as vAmana, he kept thinking about seeking alms.

pANiyAl nIrERRup paNdorukAl mAvaliyai mANiyAyk koNidilaiyE maN – with the hand which you had used only for giving to others, you accepted the water which mahAbali offered [as a sign of giving what emperumAn sought]. Once upon a time when mahAbali had vowed only to give, did you not obtain earth as alms with the hands which had got scarred by accepting alms? AzhwAr is asking whether he did not put an end to the enemy of indhra who had attained him.

We shall take up the 90th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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