iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi – 7 – kazhal eduththu vAy madiththu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr tells his divine mind that this being his [emperumAn’s] nature, keep meditating on his divine feet with affection, without any break. Only those who give up the worldly pursuits and desire only him, will get to have his dharSan (see him). AzhwAr tells his mind, hence you too desire him and attain him. When asked whether there are any hurdles to attaining him, AzhwAr says that those hurdles will suffer the fate of the demon, namuchi.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings

kazhal eduththu vAy madiththuk kaN suzhanRu mARRAr
azhal eduththa sindhaiyarAy anja thazhal eduththa
pOr Azhi EndhinAn pon malarch chEvadiyE
Or Azhi nenjE ugandhu

Word by Word Meaning

Azhi nenjE – Oh mind, which is as deep as the ocean!

(Earlier, during the time of thrivikrama incarnation)
kazhal eduththu – as one who lifted his divine feet
mARRAr – those enemies such as namuchi
azhal eduththa sindhaiyarAy anja – shivering with their hearts burning like fire, out of fear
vAy madiththu – puckering his lips
kaN suzhanRu – rolling his eyes (such that his enemies will collapse by the mere look)
thazhal eduththa pOr Azhi – the sudharSana chakkaram (divine disc) which is spitting fire and is battle ready
EndhinAn – emperumAn who is donning
pon malar chE adiyE – the divine feet which are like beautiful flower
ugandhu Or – keep meditating, with desire.


kazhal eduththu – lifting his divine foot when he measured the world. This implies that he blessed the dhEvas (celestial persons), the dwellers of upper worlds, who are his followers. On top of this, this also implies that he destroyed asuras (demons) who are not his followers.

vAy madiththu kaN suzhanRu mARRAr azhal eduththa sindhaiyarAy anja – two interpretations are given for this: emperumAn donned the divine disc such that demons such as namuchi were fearful with their lips puckered and their eyes rolling, and their hearts burning with the fear of fire. Or, these qualities (of puckering the lips and rolling the eyes) could be attributed to emperumAn and it could be said that he donned the divine disc which spewed scorching fire such that his enemies such as namuchi et al were grieving in fear.

pon malarch chEvadiyE – the divine feet which are like gold, like flower and are beautiful.

Or – try and meditate.

Azhi nenjE – Oh heart, which is deep.

When meditating on emperumAn’s divine feet,

ugandhu Or – meditate with desire. Do not meditate with your limitations. Meditate with desire. Instead of having to meditate out of necessity, meditate with desire.

Or – implies “try and attain”

We shall move on to the 8th pAsuram, next.

adiyEn krishNa ramanuja dhAsan

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