iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi – 28 – manaththuLLAn

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As AzhwAr’s divine mind started engaging with emperumAn this way, emperumAn, instead of dwelling at places that he had seen, even though they were all suitable, chose to keep AzhwAr’s divine mind as his dwelling place, and entered it. He did not go to any other place, deciding to remain in AzhwAr’s divine mind. In other words, this pAsuram says that as soon as AzhwAr desired emeprumAn’s inseparable place of SrIvaikuNtam, emperumAn desired AzhwAr’s divine mind.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

manaththuLLAn vEngadaththAn mAkadalAn maRRum
ninaippariya nILarangaththuLLAn enaippalarum
dhEvAdhi dhEvan enappaduvAn munnorunAL
mAvAy piLandha magan

Word by Word Meaning

enai palarum – countless vaidhika purushas (those who follow vEdham, the sacred text) and vEdha purusha (vEdham itself); thus by all entities
dhEvAdhi dhEvan enap paduvAn – he is famously called as the lord of all dhEvas (celestial entities)
mA kadalAn – one who is reclining on the expansive thiruppARkadal (milky ocean)
mun oru nAL – once upon a time (when he incarnated as SrI krishNa)
mA vAy piLandha – one who tore the mouth of a demon who came in the form of a horse, kESi
magan – a small child
maRRum – more than that
vEngadhaththAn – one who, as simplicity personified, stands in thirumalai
ninaippariya nIL arangathu uLLAn – one who is reclining in the temple which is sweet beyond anyone’s thoughts
manaththu uLLAn – he is permanently residing in my mind.


manaththuLLAn – Just as periyAzhwAr had mercifully mentioned in his periyAzhwAr thirumozhi 5-4-10 “idavagaigaL igazhndhittu enpAl idavagai koNdanaiyE” (leaving aside all other dwelling places, you decided to stay in my heart), emperumAn left all other places and entered AzhwAr‘s mind.

vEngadaththAn mAkadalAn – just before entering AzhwAr’s divine mind, the places where he had taken residence – thiruppARkadal and thiruvEngadam (it is implied that he had taken residence in those places only to attract AzhwAr and through those places he entered AzhwAr’s divine mind). Just as he had taken residence at thiruppARkadal before standing in thirumalai, in order to enter AzhwAr’s mind, he stood in thirumalai.

maRRum ninaippariya nIL arangathth uLLAn – unlike thiruppARkadal or thirumalai, one cannot say thiruvarangam (SrIrangam) in one word. It is very sweet and very huge and suited emperumAn’s reclining. He reclines in this place as if to tell everyone that he will not leave this place until he attains everyone and seems to be staging a protest! Just as it is mentioned in thaiththirIya upanishath “aprApya manasA saha” (the words returned with the mind, being unable to measure emperumAn), it may be possible to measure emperumAn’s auspicious qualities, but it is impossible to measure the sweetness of thiruvarangam.

nIL arangam – very expansive temple.

enaip palarum dhEvAdhi dhEvan enappaduvAn – vEdhas (sacred texts) and vaidhika purushas (those who practice vEdham) say, as in SvEthAsvathara upanishath “thamISvarANAm paramam mahESvaram” (you are the Lord of all the Lords) and as in thiruvAimozhi 1-1-1ayarvaRum amarargaL adipathi” (he is the Lord of nithyasUris who do not forget anything).

paNdorunAL mAvAy piLandha magan – earlier, when he incarnated as krishNa, he, as a child, had torn the mouth of a demon by name kESi. Or, one who incarnated as a human being. Since he destroyed kESi, AzhwAr says that emperumAn removes the enemy who is a hurdle in emperumAn entering his heart. One who is called the Lord of all Lords, one who is in thiruppARkadal, one who tore the mouth of a demon, one who reclines in thiruvarangam which is beyond anyone’s thoughts, one who resides in thiruvEngadam, entered my heart. One who is the Lord of nithyasUris, one who reclined in thiruppARkadal in order to protect the worlds, who incarnated as kaNNan, who destroyed kESi, the demon, who is the Lord of all Lords, who is reclining in the immeasurable thiruvarangam, one who is staying put at thiruvEngadam instead of moving here and there, desired my heart and instead of going to any other place, took permanent residence there itself, says the AzhwAr.

We shall take up the 29th pAsuram next.

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