iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi – 27 – padhi amaindhu nAdi

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr says that once he reached the dwelling place of emperumAn [thirumalai] his divine mind went running towards emperumAn just as a creeper would go in search of a supporting pole. In the previous pAsuram, AzhwAr spoke about how emperumAn dwells in thirumalai and mercifully showers his grace. Since that abode is in archAvathAram (emperumAn in deity form), he cannot interact with emperumAn fully. He says that his heart runs searching for emperumAn in paramapadham (SrIvaikuNtam) so that he can interact with emperumAn in all the ways he liked.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

padhi amaindhu nAdip paruththezhundha sindhai
madhiyurinji  vAn mugadu nOkki gadhi miguththu
angOl thEdiyOdum kozhundhadhE pOnRadhE
mAl thediyOdum manam

Word by Word Meaning

padhi – in the pious place of thirumalai
amaindhu – standing aptly
nAdi – analysing
paruththu ezhundha sindhai – having mind which grows in a rousing manner
madhi urinji – going past the world of moon
vAn mugadu nOkki – going (beyond) past the wall of the universe

(not stopping with that)
mAl thEdi – going in search of paramapadhanAdhan (lord of SrIvaikuNtam)
gadhi miguththu Odum – going very rapidly
manam – my mind
am kOl thEdi Odum – going in search of a beautiful supporting pole
kozhundhu adhu pOnRadhu – it resembled a creeper


padhi amaindhu nAdi – standing aptly in thirumalai. Ensuring that this is the place to be attained. padhi could also be construed to mean ‘heart’ and as said in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 31-25 “aham sarvam karishyAmi” (lakshmaNa told SrI rAma that he would carry out all services), the heart also affirmed.

nAdi – analysing. Searching everywhere [for emerpumAn]

paruththu ezhundha sindhai – the mind, going up rousingly, as a result of that

paruththezhundha – rising rapidly.

madhi urinji – going beyond the world where moon traverses

vAn mugadu nOkki – going up to the wall of the universe

gadhi miguththu – increasing its speed. If the text is taken to be kadhir miguththu  it will mean increasing its radiance.

angOl thEdi Odum kozhundhadhE pOnRadhE –  it is similar to a creeper going in search of a beautiful supporting pole.

mAl thEdi Odum manam – it is the way the mind is, going head over heels, looking for emperumAn.

mAl – one with affection. Like the river kAvEri breaching its banks and running wildly, my mind is running in search of emperumAn who is full in all aspects and who is greater than everyone else.

mAl thEdi Odum manamnammAzhwAr, in his thiruvAimozhi 9-3-7, has mercifully said “mAga vaikundham kANbadhaRku en manam Ekam eNNum” (to see the paramAkASam (the supreme sky) or SrIvaikuNtam), my mind will think in a focussed way).

We shall go on to the 28th pAsuram, next.

adiyEn krishNa ramanuja dhAsan

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