SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
AzhwAr says that his sensory perceptions as well as himself are now fully engrossed with emperumAn who, not minding his soft nature, transforms himself completely, in order to carry out tasks for his followers.
Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:
thOL avanai allAl thozhA en sevi iraNdum
kEL avanadhu inmozhiyE kEttirukkum nAnALum
kONAgaNaiyAn kurai kazhalE kURuvadhE
nANAmai naLLEn nayam
Word by Word Meanings
thOL – (my) hands
avanai allAl thozhA – will not worship anyone other than him [emperumAn]
en sevi iraNdum – my two ears
kEL avanadhu – his, who is all relationships (to me)
in mozhiyE – sweet words
kEttu irukkum – will hear and sustain themselves
nA – my tongue
nALum – everyday
kOL nAgaNaiyAn – one who has his mattress, the radiant AdhiSEshan
kurai kazhalE – (due to the sounds of ornaments) resounding divine feet
kURuvadhE – will keep saying
nayam – the matters desired (by samsAris)
nANAmai naLLEn – (I) will not approach, without any shame
thOL avanai allAl thozhA – my shoulders, even if told to worship someone else, will not worship anyone other than emperumAn. It does not matter whether emperumAn protects or does not protect, my shoulders will not worship anybody other than emperumAn.
en sevi iraNdum kEL avanadhu inmozhiyE kEttirukkum – my ears will listen only to emperumAn‘s sweet words since he is naturally related to me, and will sustain themselves due to this.
nA nALum – my tongue, will always
kOL nAgaNaiyAn kurai – emperumAn who has AdhiSEshan, who has strength and radiance, as his mattress. AdhiSEshan has the skill to sustain the union of emperumAn and pirAtti (SrI mahAlakshmi). ALavandhAr says of AdhiSEshan in his sthOthra rathnam – 39 “prakrushta vigyAna balaikadhAmani” (thiruvananthAazhwAn who is the repository of both sharp intelligence and strength). He gets the radiance due to his connection with emperumAn. AzhwAr says that his tongue will sing the praises of the divine feet of emperumAn who has such AdhiSEshan as his mattress.
nANAmai naLLEn nayam – the people of this world shamelessly desire worldly pursuits! AzhwAr says that he will not, so shamelessly, desire such objects. These objects are such that one has to withdraw from them with shame, once true knowledge has been obtained [about emperumAn]. Following the worldly pursuits is much similar to following a eunuch, who is much inferior to a male, thinking that it is a female, in the darkness of the moon.
We shall take up the 64th pAsuram next.
adiyEn krishNa ramanuja dhAsan
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