sthOthra rathnam – 30

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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As ALavandhAr has accepted sidhdhOpAyam (established means, i.e., bhagavAn) which bestows the result without any delay, unable to wait for the attainment of the result, being  incited by the thvarA (urge), ALavandhAr says as in thiruvAimozhi 6.9.9 “kUvik koLLum kAlam innam kuRugAdhO” (Will the day of reaching you not be soon?). Also explained as – Due to parabhakthi which is the result of prapaththi (surrender), ALavandhAr is asking when will he see [the divine feet of emperumAn]? as said in thiruvAimozhi 6.3.10 “kanaikazhal kANbadhenRukol kaNgaL” (when will my eyes see the divine feet of emperumAn?) and in thiruvAimozhi 9.5.1″kANak karudhum en kaNNE” (my eye desires to see).

namasyadhArthikshapaNE kruthakshaNam |
dhanam madhIyam thava pAdhapankajam
kadhA nu sAkshAthkaravANi chakshushA ||

Word by word meaning

vilAsa vikrAntha para pavara Alayam – owning the abodes of the celestial/superior dhEvas and the inferior humans, which were sportingly measured
namasyath Arthi kshapaNE – in the matter of eliminating the sorrows of those who worshipped
krutha kshaNam – spending time
madhIyam dhanam – being my wealth
thava pAdha pankajam – your divine lotus foot
kadhA nu – when
chakshushA – with my eyes
sAkshAthkaravANi – see?

Simple Translation

When will I see with my eyes your divine lotus foot which is my wealth and which spends its time owning the abodes of the celestial/superior dhEvas and the inferior humans, which were sportingly measured and – in the matter of eliminating the sorrows of those who worshipped it?

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

  • vilAsa … – The divine foot which owns the abodes of the superior dhEvathAs and the mortal humans et al which sportingly measure by that foot. Is it surprising that the divine feet which effortlessly touched even those who were unfavourable towards bhagavAn, to be placed on those who are attached to him?
  • vikrAntha – Should they reach out for anyaparar (those who are interested in other desires)? should they not reach out for ananya prayOjanar (exclusively devoted ones)?
  • parAvarAlayam – Why is it difficult for me to be touched by the divine feet which touched everyone without discriminating between vaSishta (most learned) and chaNdALa (most fallen)? Why is it difficult to attain the goal which was attained by karma bhAvar (those who are engaged in worldly actions only [like indhra et al]) as said in vishNu dharmam “sangaissurANAm …” (groups of dhEvas from the heavenly planets, groups of humans from earth, plane-dwellers from the sky glorified thrivikrama. Let such thrivikrama who measured the world be there for my auspiciousness) and ubhaya bhAvar [brahmA et al] as said in iraNdAm thiruvanthAdhi 78 “thavam seydhu nAnmuganE peRRAn” (brahmA attained emperumAn‘s divine lotus feet by performing thapas)?
  • namasyath Arthi kshapaNE kruthakshaNam – Leave aside the incidental event! the divine feet are focussed on eliminating the sorrows of those who bow down at them. Why do I have to call out for the divine feet saying “kadhA nu sAkshAthkaravANi chakshushA“, when they are waiting to help the devotees?
  • dhanam madhIyam – Being my attainable goal and means as said in thiruvAimozhi 6.7.11 “vaiththamAnidhi” (emperumAn‘s name in thirukkOLUr dhivya dhESam, which means he is the wealth available during disaster).
  • thava pAdha pankajam – the divine feet which are sarva sulabha (very easily approachable), ASritha vathsala (affectionate towards devotees, like a mother) and nirathiSaya bhOgya (infinitely enjoyable).
  • kadhA nu sAkshAthkaravANi – When will I see them after missing to see them during the measuring of worlds as thrivikrama?

emperumAn asks “When you were engaged in worldly pleasures along with other samsAris (worldly people), I have transformed you such that you cannot survive without me. Why are you calling out as if I have not done anything for you?”, and ALavandhAr replies “For me who desires to constantly see your divine feet, is it just enough to make me different from samsAris? [No, I want more]”.

  • chakshushA – For me who desired to have eternal dharSan of you in paramapadham, I want to see [your divine feet] now.

In the next article we will enjoy the next SlOkam.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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