Arththi prabandham – thaniyans (Invocation)

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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thaniyan 1

thEn payilum thArAn ethirAsan sEvadi mEl*
thAn paramapaththi thalaiyeduththu*
mAndharkku uNavAga Arththiyudan oNdamizhgaL seydhAn*
maNavALa mAmunivan vandhu


word-by-word meanings

maNavALa mAmunivan – periya jIyar, who is also known by the name of maNavALa mAmunigaL
vandhu – incarnated in this world.
thAn – During his incarnation,
paramapaththi – highest state of bhakthi (devotion)
thalaiyeduththu – was blessed upon him towards
thArAn – the one who adorns a garland
payilum – that oozes with
thEn –  honey
ethirAsan – and the one who is also known as ethirAsan.
sEvadi mEl –  (maNavALa mAmunigaL) wrote about ethirAsan’s lotus feet
seydhAn – a work called “Arththi prabandham”
oN – that is simply beautiful (object of great enjoyment)
thamizhgaL – in dhrAvida language (thamizh)
Arththiyudan – with much interest in order to reform them after looking at the sad and pitiable state
mAndharkku – This work is targeted towards ignorant souls
uNavAga – and serves as their food for thought

Simple Translation

maNavALamAmunigaL who is also known as periya jIyar, incarnated in this world. During this time, he was bestowed with bhakthi of the highest order known as parama bhakthi by none other than yathirAja, the one who is seen adorning a beautiful garland from which honey oozes out. maNavALa mAmunigaL wrote with much interest (Arththi) about the significance of the lotus feet of yathirAja and that work is celebrated by the name of “Arththi Prabandham” in beautiful thamizh language. This work is targeted toward the ignorant souls and serves as the food for their intellect.

thaniyan 2

vambavizh thAr vaNmai maNavALa mAmunigaL*
ampuviyil kAl porundhA ArththiyinAl* umbar thozhum
viNNulagil chella viraindha ethirAsan padhangaL
naNNi uraiththAr namakku


word-by-word meanings

maNavALa mAmunigaL- periya jIyar, who is also known by the name of maNavALa mAmunigaL
uraiththAr – blessed
namakku – us (with this work called “Arththi prabandham”)
vaNmai – with extreme generosity is seen
thAr – adorned with a garland of beautiful flowers that
vambavizh – blossomed just then.
ArththiyinAl – (maNavALa mAmunigal) with sadness because he realized that
kAl – his divine lotus feet
porundhA –  is not able to fit to live in this
am – beautiful
puviyil – world and so he
viraindha – tried to expedite his
chella – ascend to
viNNulagil – paramapadham (the eternal abode of Sriman nArAyaNan the place for which there is no superior
thozhum – that is being worshipped by
umbar – nithyasUris (eternal servants of Sriman nArAyaNan)
naNNi – This was possible because of his steadfast and unyielding faith in
padhangaL – the lotus feet of
ethirAsan – emperumAnAr

Simple Translation

maNavALamAmunigaL who is seen adorned with a garland of flowers that had just blossomed, blessed us with a work called “Arththi Prabandham”. He regarded that his feet are not fit to live in this beautiful world and wanted to expedite his going to paramapadham, the place of worship for nithyasUris. This was possible for maNavALa mAmunigaL only due to the grace of emperumAnAr.

adiyEn santhAnam rAmAnuja dhAsan

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