srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImadh varavaramunayE nama:
Introduction of this pAsuram:
- nanjIyar and periyavAchchAn piLLai highlight that great musicians and dancers have arrived to wake emperumAn up and serve him. Thus, thoNdaradippodi AzhwAr requests emperumAn to wake and accept their service.
ஏதமில் தண்ணுமை யெக்கம் மத்தளியே
யாழ் குழல் முழவமோடிசை திசை கெழுமி
கீதங்கள் பாடினர் கின்னரர் கெருடர்கள்
கந்தருவரவர் கங்குலு ளெல்லாம்
மாதவர் வானவர் சாரணரியக்கர்
சித்தரும் மயங்கினர் திருவடி தொழுவான்
ஆதலிலவர்க்கு நாளோலக்க மருள
அரங்கத்தம் மாபள்ளி யெழுந்தருளாயே.
Ethamil thaNNumai ekkam maththaLi
yAzh kuzhal muazhavamOdu isai dhisai kezhumik
kIthangaL pAdinar kinnarar kerudar(gaL)
kadharuvar avar kanguluLellAm
mAthavar vAnavar chAraNar iyakkar
siththarum manginar thiruvadi thozhuvAn
Athalil avarkku nALOlakkam aruLa
arangaththammA paLLi ezhundhu aruLAyE
padha padhArththam (word by word meaning)
Ethamil – blemishless (without any defect)
thaNNumai – small one sided drum
ekkam – single string instrument
maththaLi – maththaLam (a type of two-sided drum – like a mrdhangam/dOlak)
yAzh – vINai (string instrument)
kuzhal – pullAnguzhal (flutes)
dhisai – in all directions
muzhavamOdu – with their sound
isai kezhumi kIthangaL pAdinar – ones who are capable of singing with the music spreading (in all directions)
kinnarar – kinnaras
garudar – garudas
gandharuvar avar – gandharvas who are standing there
kanguluLellAm – all through the night
mAthavar – great rishis (sages)
vAnavar – dhEvas
chAraNar – chAraNas
iyakkar – yakshas
siththar – sidhdhas
thiruvadi thozhuvAn – to worship your lotus feet
mayanginar – became mesmerized (in the crowd/close proximity)
Athalil – thus
avarkku – for them
nALOlakkam aruLa – to bless them audience in the grand assembly in the morning
arangaththammA – Oh my lord/master lying down in srIrangam!
paLLi ezhundhu aruLAyE – (Thus,) you kindly wake up and give your blessings
Simple Translation:
The kinnaras, garudas, gandharvas, etc., are playing many blemishless musical instruments such as one sided drums, single stringed instruments, double sided drums, vINai, flutes, etc., making loud sounds which spread in all directions. Some have been arriving throughout the night and others in the morning. Great rishis, dhEvas, chAraNas, yakshas, sidhdhas, etc., have arrived to worship your lotus feet. Oh my lord/master lying down in srIrangam! (Thus,) you kindly wake up and bless them your audience in the grand assembly this morning.
Highlights from the nanjIyar‘s vyAkyAnam:
- thoNdaradippodi AzhwAr says to emperumAn – all the different types of devotees have arrived and are eagerly waiting to have your dharsan. So, since you are the protector of all, kindly wake up and bless them and engage them in your service.
Highlights from the periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s vyAkyAnam:
- To establish emperumAn being the protector of all irrespective them being high/low in stature, thirumazhisai AzhwAr‘s nAnmugan thiruvanthAdhi 47th pAsuram is quoted here:
nanmaNi vaNNanUr ALiyum kOLariyum
ponmaNiyum muththamum pUmaramum
panmaNi nIrOdu poruthurLum kAnamum vAnaramum
vEdum udai vEnkatam
In this pAsuram, thiruvEnkatam (thirumalA) which is the abode of thiruvEnkatamudaiyAn (srInivAsan) who has blakcish-blue bodily-hue (the color of a pure high quality pearl) is also glorified as the abode of yALi (a lion like huge animal with an elephant-like-tusk), lions, gold, precious stones, pearls, flower-bearing-trees, forests which is abundant of water-falls that bring along valuable gems, monkeys and hunters. Here, the principle is, emperumAn has descended to thiruvEnkatam to bless all these different types of entities which are seen in the mountain.
adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan
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