periya thirumozhi – 2.3.3 – vanjanai seyya

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Highlights from avathArikai (Introduction)

No specific introduction.


vanjanai seyyath thAyuruvAgi vandha pEy alaRi maN sEra
nanjamar mulaiyUdu uyir sega uNda nAdhanaith thAnavar kURRai
vinjai vAnavar sAraNar siththar viyanthudhi seyyap peNNuruvAgi
anjuvai amudham anRaLiththAnaith thiruvallikkENik kaNdEnE

Word-by-Word meanings

vanjanai seyya – to cheat (krishNa)
thAy uruvAgi vandha – came disguising in the form of the mother
pEy – pUthanA
alaRi – to cry out
maN – on earth
sEra – to fall
nanju amar – filled with poison
mulai Udu – through the bosom
uyir – (her) vital air (life)
sega – to leave
uNda – mercifully consumed
nAdhanai – being sarvaSEshi (lord of all)
dhAnavar – for demons
kURRai – being death
vinjai vAnavar – vidhyAdharas (celestial people)
sAraNar – chAraNas (celestial people)
siththar – sidhdhas (celestial people) et al
viyandhu – being amazed
thudhi seyya – to praise
peN uruvu Agi – assuming a feminine form
anRu – when indhra had lost his wealth
am – beautiful
suvai – having taste
amudham – nectar
aLiththAnai – one who gave to dhEvathAs
thiruvallikkENik kaNdEnE – saw in thiruvallikkENi

Simple translation

pUthanA came to cheat krishNa, the sarvaSEshi, disguising in the form of [krishNa’s] mother, cried out and fell on earth, after he made her life leave her by mercifully consuming it through her poison-filled bosom; he is death for demons; to be seen with amazement and be praised by vidhyAdharas, chAraNAs, sidhdhas, emperumAn assumed a feminine form, and gave beautiful, tasty nectar to dhEvathAs when indhra had lost his wealth; I saw such emperumAn in thiruvallikkENi.

Highlights from vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

vanjanai … – emperumAn who consumed the life of pUthanA through her poison filled bosom, where the deceitful one assumed a feminine form to cheat him, and caused her to cry out and fall on earth.

nAdhanai … – One who saved and gave himself when he killed pUthanA who came in disguise of a contradictory form, to kill self  who is the life of the universe. harivamSam “sthanyam thath vishasammiSram rasyamAsIth jagathgurO:” (her breast-milk which was poisoned, was very sweet for him).

dhAnavar kURRai … – One who is death personified for demons. One who fed the dhEvathAs with a feminine form that does not match purushOththama (best among men) and remained to be praised by vidhyAdharas, chAraNas, sidhdhas et al in amazement.

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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