perumAL thirumozhi – 8.6 – suRRamellAm pin thodara

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

perumAL thirumozhi >> 8th Decad

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avathArikai (Introduction)

AzhwAr sings lullaby in this pAsuram, to the head of ayOdhyA [SrI rAma] who went to the forest followed by all his relatives, and who showered his mercy on the sages dwelling in the forest.

suRRamellAm pinthodara thol kAnam adaindhavanE!
aRRavargat(ku) arumarundhE! ayOdhdhi nagarkk(u) adhipadhiyE!
kaRRavargaL thAm vAzhum kaNapurathth(u) en karumaNiyE!
siRRavai than soR koNda sIrAmA! thAlElO

Word-by-Word Meanings
suRRam ellAm pin thodara – followed by all relatives
thol gAnam adaindhavanE – Oh one who went to the ancient forest!
aRRavargatku – for your devotees who exist only for you
aru marundhE – Oh one who is like an eminent medicine!
ayOdhdhi nagarkku adhipadhiyE – Oh who is the chief of divine ayOdhyA!
kaRRavargaL thAm vAzhum – inhabited by learned sagacious people
kaNapuraththu en karumaNiyE – Oh one who is like a sweet, bluish gemstone for me, in thirukkaNNapuram!
siRRavai than – kaikEyi, your aunt, her
sol koNda sIrAmA – Oh SrI rAmapirAn who followed her words obediently!
thAlElO – lullaby to you

Simple Translation

Oh one who went to the old forest, followed by all your relatives! Oh one who is like a special medicine for your devotees who exist only for you! Oh one, who is the chief of divine ayOdhyA! Oh one, who is like an endearing bluish gemstone for me, in thirukkaNNapuram which is inhabited by learned sagacious people! Oh one, who listened to the words of your aunt, kaikEyi! My lullaby to you.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

suRRamellAm pin thodara thol gAnam adaindhavanE – Oh one who went to the forest, followed by all the relatives! In the commentary for this pAsuram, vyAkyAthA (one who mercifully wrote the commentary) periyavAchchAn piLLai, quotes a narrative which happened during the time of SrI rAmAnujar. When the vyAkyAnam for this pAsuram was being told by rAmAnujar, those in the assembly queried him “All the relatives did not go to the forest. After going for some distance, they returned” Is this correct? rAmAnujar quoted SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam SlOkam 31-25 “bhavAmsthu saha vaidhEhyA girisAnushu ramsyathE l aham sarvam karishyAmi jAgrathas svapathaScha thE ll” (You, along with sIthAp pirAtti, would be enjoying on the mountain ridges. I will do all the kainkaryams (services) to you, both when you are awake and when you are sleeping). Just as it has been mentioned in this SlOkam, since iLaiya perumAL went along with SrI rAma, there is no harm in saying that all the relatives followed SrI rAma, to the forest.

aRRavargatku aru marundhE – sages in the forest told SrI rAma as in SrI rAmAyaNam AraNya kANdam 1-21 SlOkam “nyasthadhaNdA vayam rAjan! jithakrOdhA jithEndhriyA: l rakshithavyAsthvayA SaSvath garbhabhUthAs thapOdhanA: ll” (Oh king! We have conquered our anger and our senses (in matters related to demons). Our thapas (penance) is our wealth. We are to be protected by you always, like the child inside the (mother’s) womb). SrI rAma, at a later point in time, told sIthAp pirAtti, as in SrI rAmAyaNam Aranya kANdam 10-19 SlOkam “apyaham jIvitham jahyAm thvAm vA sIthE sa lakshmaNAm l na thu prathigyAm samSruthya brAhmaNEbhyO viSEshatha: ll” (Oh sIthA! I may give up my life. I may give up lakshmaNa and even you. But I will never give up on my word, especially one made to brAhmaNas). Just as it has been said in these SlOkams, oh one who is like a rare medicine, protecting life!

ayOdhdhi nagarkku adhipadhiyE – vEdhas refer to mOkshalOkam (SrI vaikuNtam) as vishNu’s paramapadham and as ayOdhyA (that which cannot be defeated in war). Oh one who rules from the place whose capital is ayOdhyA!

kaRRavargaL thAm vAzhum kaNapuraththu en karumaNiyE – Oh one who is dear like a bluish gemstone, residing in thirukkaNNapuram which is inhabited by wise people who have learnt and understood! Those who attempt to attain emperumAn through upAsanA (bhakthiyOgam, or the path of devotion) have to perform devotion in one place, at one time, reach paramapadham and then enjoy him. Unlike that, oh one who is remaining in thirukkaNNapuram, where we can go and worship you in thirukkaNNapuram, which is on the southern side!

siRRavai than sol kOnda sIrAmA thAlElO – even while SrI kausalaiyAr (kausalyA dhEvi) followed SrI rAma [as he was preparing to go to the forest] saying “I, who gave birth to you, will not sustain myself, if separated from you”, taking upon the words of your aunt, kaikEyi, oh one who went to the forest! My lullaby to you.

We will next take up the 7th pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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