upadhEsa raththina mAlai – Simple Explanation – pAsurams 38 to 40

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

upadhEsa raththina mAlai

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pAsuram 38

Thirty eighth pAsuram. mAmunigaL mercifully reveals the great honour bestowed by namperumAL on emperumAnAr so that everyone would know as to how well emperumAnAr had conducted the path of prapaththi (surrendering to emperumAn), how he protected this philosophy through granthas (literary compositions) such as SrIbhAshyam etc, and how he nurtured our philosophy.

emperumAnAr dharisanam enRE idaRku
namperumAL pErittu nAtti vaiththAr – ambuviyOr
idha dharisanaththai emperumAnAr vaLarththa
andhach cheyal aRigaikkA

namperumAL firmly established the name of our SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam as emperumAnAr dhariSanam (philosophy of SrI rAmAmAnuja). This is because emperumAnAr had nurtured the path of prapaththi by explaining the concepts to all through various activities such as mercifully composing literary works such as SrIbhAshyam, making everyone understand the principles of our sampradhAyam through various preceptors, carrying out reformations in various divine abodes etc. namperumAL himself established this to make sure that everyone in the world knew the various benefits carried out by emperumAnAr. It could also be said that keeping in mind the fact that thirukkOttiyUr nambi (one of the AchAryas of emperumAnAr) gave him the title of emperumAnAr after looking at this great compassion, namperumAL created this greatness for emperumAnAr through [thirukkOttiyUr] nambi.

pAsuram 39

Thirty ninth pAsuram. Since the vyAkhyAnam (commentary) for thiruvAimozhi, which is the meaning for dhvaya mahAmanthram, started with emperumAnAr’s command and since vyAkhyAnAms increased in number, based on  the meanings  expounded by emperumAnAr, mAmunigaL starts to mercifully explain these.

piLLAn nanjIyar periyavAchchAn piLLai
theLLAr vadakkuth thiruvIdhippiLLai
maNavALa yOgi thiruvAimozhiyaik kAththa
guNavALar enRE kURu

thirukkurugaippirAn piLLan, who is the gyAna puthra (considered as a son through the divine heart) of emperumAnAr, nanjIyar, disciple of parASara bhattar, periyavAchchAn piLLai, who is considered as the commentator nonpareil, vadakkuth thiruvIdhip-piLLai, who is nampiLLai’s disciple as well as one with clear knowledge and vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar, who was the target of periyavAchchAn piLLai’s compassion, were the great people who protected and nurtured thiruvAimozhi, which is considered as the explanation of dhvaya mahAmanthram. Oh heart! Celebrate these great people.

pAsuram 40

Fortieth pAsuram. He mercifully tells his heart to further celebrate the greatness of the commentaries mercifully written by the preceptors.

mundhuRavE piLLAn mudhalAnOr seydharuLum
andha vyAkkiyaigaL anRAgil – andhO
thiruvAimozhip poruLaith thErndhuraikka valla
guruvAr ikkAlam nenjE kURu

In those days, if AchAryas starting with thirukkurugaippirAn piLLan had not heard and understood the opinion of the divine heart of nammAzhwAr for thiruvAimozhi from their AchAryars, and if they had not written the fitting commentaries mercifully for thiruvAimozhi, which AchArya would have been able to tell the eminent meanings of thiruvAimozhi in these days? Oh heart! You please tell me.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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