thiruppAvai – Simple Explanation – thaniyans

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:



nILA thunga sthanagiri thatIsuptham udhbOdhya krishNam
pArArthyam svam Sruthi Satha Siras sidhdham adhyApayanthI
svOchchishtAyAm sraji nigaLitham yA balAth kruthya bhungthE
gOdhA thasyai nama idham idham bhUya Ev’sthu bhUya

kaNNa (SrI krishNa) sleeps on the bosom of nappinnaippirAtti, who is the incarnation of nILA dhEvi (one of the consorts of emperumAn). Her bosom is like the slope of a mountain. ANdAL has imprisoned that kaNNa with the garland that she had donned earlier. She wakes up kaNNa and informs him about her pArathanthriyam (being totally dependent on emperumAn) which has been clearly shown in vEdhAnthams which are the end portions of vEdhams. Let my salutations to her, who forcefully goes to emperumAn and enjoys him, be there forever.

annavayal pudhuvai ANdAL arangaRkup
pannu thiruppAvaip palpadhiyam – innissiyAl
pAdik koduththAL naRpAmAlai pUmAlai
sUdik koduththALaich chollu

ANdAL nAchchiyAr, who incarnated in SrIvillipuththUr which is surrounded by fields having swans roaming around, mercifully composed the prabandham thiruppAvai with sweet notes and offered it to SrI ranganAtha as a garland of verses. She also submitted garland made of flowers, after donning it herself, first. Sing about that great ANdAL.

sUdik koduththa sudark kodiyE tholpAvai
pAdi aruLa valla pal vaLaiyAy – nAdi nI
vEngadavaRku ennai vidhi enRa immARRam
nAm kadavA vaNNamE nalgu

Oh one who submitted garland of flowers after donning it herself first and who is like a shiny creeper! Oh one who mercifully sang about pAvai nOnbu (a ritual followed by girls) which is being observed for a very long time and who has donned bangles on her divine hand! You had beseeched manmatha (cupid) to make you as a servitor to emperumAn at thiruvEngadam. You should mercifully shower us with your grace so that we do not have to tell him.


adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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