siRiya thirumadal – 36 – kUrArAndha

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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kUrArndha vALAl kodi mUkkum kAdhiraNdum

Word by Word Meanings

kUrArndha vALAl – with a sharp sword
kodi mUkkum kAdhu iraNdAm – nose which is like a creeper and the two ears


kUrArndha vALAl kodi mUkkum kAdhiraNdum IrA viduththu – while it has been mentioned [in SrI rAmAyaNam] that it was lakshmaNa who disfigured sUrpaNakA, why is it mentioned here that SrI rAma had done that?   Since it has been mentioned in SrI rAmAyaNam AraNya KANdam 34-13 “rAmasya dhakshiNO bAhu:” (lakshmaNa is SrI rAma’s right hand), with lakshmaNa being SrI rAma’s right hand, there is nothing inappropriate in saying the he had done it when his right hand had done it. The meaning implied here is that to punish a person [sUrpaNakA] who had carried out asahyApachAram (deeply offending without a reason), instead of engaging another person, he did it with his right hand.

kUrArndha vALAl – with a sharp sword. While working on the rough body of sUrpaNakA [to disfigure her], to ensure that the bad blood of sUrpaNakA’s did not fall on him, he had used a sharpened sword.

kodi mUkkum kAdhu iraNdAm IrA viduththu – since she had come claiming that she was a match for sIthAppirAtti, she had changed her nose and ears through her magical powers to resemble those of sIthA. He cut those, which were the cause for her vanity.

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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