siRiya thirumadal – 25 – sIrAr kalaiyalgul

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sIrAr kalaiyalgul sIradich chendhuvar vAy                            29

Word by Word Meanings

sIr Ar kalai algul sIr adi sem thuvar vAy – one having a waist draped with a beautiful sari, having beautiful legs, having deep reddish mouth


sIr Ar kalai algul – one having a wealthy garment and waist. The opulence for yaSOdhA’s sari is that the turmeric powder applied on kaNNa’s divine form, the black pigment applied on his eyes and the dust which settles on him when he goes out to play, get transferred on to her sari. This is its opulence. She would decorate and dress herself well so that kaNNa will not be angry. However, in a short time, whatever is on his divine form will settle down on her divine sari.  This is the eminence for her sari. The term sIr Ar is also an adjective for her waist. The eminence for the waist is that it gets broken due to carrying kaNNa often, just as it is mentioned in periyAzhwAr thirumozhi 1-2-9 “eduththukkoLLil marungaiyiRuththidum” (if yaSOdhA takes kaNNa on her waist, he tries to get down from there, breaking her waist in the bargain). In the olden days, the preceptors would fold and hang out their clothes which they had worn on the day of festival in SrIrangam temple, on the clothesline, saying “This is the dress which had worshipped emperumAn on the auspicious day of festival”. They will hang out the dress till the festival returns the next year and keep worshipping it. The opinion here is that connection with emperumAn gives eminence to [yaSOdhA’s] sari too.

sIr adi – divine feet which are wealthy. If he [kaNNa] indulges in mischief while being carried by yaSOdhA on her waist, will she not push him down? When she pushes him, he embraces [her] legs. Has it not been mercifully said in perumAL thirumozhi 5-1 “arisinaththAl InRa thAy agaRRidinum maRRavaL aruL ninaindhE azhum kuzhavi adhuvE poL irundhEnE” (I am in the state of that child which cries out for the mercy of its mother even if she pushes it away, out of anger) and in sthOthra rathnam 26rushA nirashthO’pi SiSusthanandhayO na jAthu mAthuScharaNou jihAsathi” (even if the suckling child is kicked out by the mother in anger, the child will not let go of that leg (which kicked it))?

sendhuvar vAy – once he embraces her legs, she will try to shake him away. As she tries to shake him away, he will repeatedly embrace her legs. Looking at that, she will smile with her reddish mouth.

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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