SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
181) amEyAthmA (अमॆयात्मा) (also repeated in 103)
bhagavAn is called amEyAthmA, since he possesses the profoundness befitting his divine nature and forms, just like the vast and deep ocean.
Etymology: The one who possesses profoundness like the deep ocean is called ‘amEyAthmA’.
सिन्धुगम्भीरभावॊ यॊ ह्यमॆयात्मा स कीर्तितः |
182) mahAdhridhruth (महाद्रिधृत्)
Here onwards, the divine sports of bhagavAn in his various incarnations according to his own free will, befitting his divine forms and auspicious qualities, are elaborated.
bhagavAn is hailed by this divine name ‘mahAdhridhruth’, since he bore the great manthara mountain on his back when he incarnated as kUrma (the great tortoise) while churning the milky ocean.
Etymology: The one who bore the great manthara mountain on his back (in the form of great tortoise – kUrma) is called ‘mahAdhridhruth’.
महान्तं मन्दरं यॊ हि धृतवान् स महाद्रिधृत् |
महॆष्वासॊ महीभर्ता श्रीनिवासः सतां गतिः ।
अनिरुद्धः सुरानन्दॊ गॊविन्दॊ गॊविदां पतिः ॥ २० ॥
183) mahEshvAsa: (महॆष्वासः)
Also, bhagavAn wields the magnificent bow and arrows (महान् + इषूणाम् + आसः). he displayed his proficiency with the wielding of arrows while constructing the bridge (rAmasEthu) across the mighty ocean, as well as while exterminating rAvaNa and his army.
Etymology: The one who is adorned with the fierce bow (named ‘SArnga’ शार्ङ्गः) is called ‘mahEshvAsa:’.
महॆष्वासः स विज्ञॆयश्चण्डकॊदण्डमण्डितः |
184) mahIbharthA (महीभर्ता)
The one who bears the elegant earth (bhUmA dhEvi) is called ‘mahIbharthA’.
Etymology: The one who sportily bears the earth (bhUmA) is called ‘mahIbharthA’.
धरणीधरलीलस्सः महीभर्तॆति शब्द्यतॆ |
185) SrInivAsa: (श्रीनिवासः) (also repeated in 614)
The divine name ‘SrInivAsa:’ (the abode of SrI mahAlakshmi) shows bhagavAn’s divine sport of attracting SrI mahAlakshmi – who was born from the milky ocean during the churning – by speaking the most pleasing words and ascending her on his own chest.
Etymology: The one who attracted SrI mahAlakshmi and made his own chest as her divine abode is called ‘SrInivAsa:’.
मथनानीतलक्ष्मीवान् श्रीनिवासः स ईरितः |
186) sathAmgathi: (सतांगतिः) (also repeated in 451)
Although his deeds are driven by his own free will, bhagavAn does only those things that are both pleasing and favoring to his dear devotees. Hence, he is called ‘sathAmgathi:’.
Etymology: The one who becomes the refuge of all devotees by performing deeds that are pleasing and favoring to them is called ‘sathAmgathi:’.
प्रणतानां प्रियकरः सतांगतिरिहॊच्यतॆ |
187) anirudhdha: (अनिरुद्धः) (also repeated in 644)
The one who thus becomes the very life force of the entire creation with his innumerable and unfathomable divine deeds (as explained in the previous divine name ‘sathAmgathi:’), and subdues his opponents in the process, is called by the divine name ‘anirudhdha:’ – the non oppressed. As the maula samhithA puts it, “bhagavAn anirudhdha is characterized by boundless divine deeds favorable to his devotees”.
Etymology: The one who is characterized by boundless divine deeds (favorable to his devotees) (and slays his opponents in the pursuing endeavor), he is called ‘anirudhdha:’.
अनन्तचॆष्टायुक्तत्वादनिरुद्ध उदाहृतः |
188) surAnandha: (सुरानन्दः)
Thence, the incarnation of anirudhdha as ‘hamsa:’ (हंसः) is being elaborated. Since all dhEvas are delighted by bhagavAn when he arrives as their sole savior in all their difficulties, he is called ‘surAnandha:’ – the delighter of dhEvas.
Etymology: He is called ‘surAnandha:’, who delights all dhEvas at all times (by warding off their difficulties).
सुरानन्दः सुरान् सर्वान् आनन्दयति यः सदा |
189) gOvindha: (गॊविन्दः) (also repeated in 543)
The one who is praised by all such dhEvas (who are delighted by bhagavAn, as seen in the previous divine name) is called ‘gOvindha:’ – the praised one.
The root ‘gO’ गॊ (praise) is conjoined with ‘vindha’ विन्द (to get), and is suffixed with the adjunct ‘Sa:’ (शः), resulting in this divine name.
All dhEvas hail bhagavAn as the one who favors them at times of crisis.
Etymology: The one who is gotten with words of praise from dhEvas is called ‘gOvindha:’.
गवां स्तुतिगिरां विन्दॊ गॊविन्दः स उदाहृतः |
190) gOvidhAm pathi: (गॊविदां पतिः)
The word ‘gO’ (गॊ) refers to the words of vEdhas. The ones who know such vEdhas in their true purport are called ‘gOvidhA:’ (गॊविदाः). The one who is worshipped by such knowledgeable men, and hence protects them from all evils is called ‘gOvidhAm pathi:’ – the protector of the knowledgeable men.
The scriptures say: “Know that hamsa mUrthi as the soul of all gyAnayagya (ज्ञानयज्ञः), and worship him”.
Etymology: The word ‘gO’ refers to the vEdhic verses. ‘gOvindha:’ is the one who is praised by such vEdhic verses. The one who protects the knower of such vEdhas is called ‘gOvidhAmpathi:’.
गावॊ वॆदगिराः प्रॊक्ताः गॊविन्दस्तत्सुपालनात् |
गॊविदांपतिरुद्दिष्टॊ वॆदविद्वत्पदॊ मनुः ||
मरीचिर्दमनॊ हंसः सुपर्णॊ भुजगॊत्तमः ।
हिरण्यनाभः सुतपाः पद्मनाभः प्रजापतिः ॥ २१ ॥
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