periya thiruvandhAdhi – 31 – azhagum aRivOmAy

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr says that with the help of the supreme entity itself we got rid of our enemies and attained the benefit of carrying out kainkaryam to him.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

azhagum aRivOmAy valvinaiyAith (yum) thIrppAn
nizhalum adithARum AnOm suzhalak
kudangaL thalai mIdhu eduththuk koNdAdi anRath
thadam kadalai mEyAr thamakku

Word by Word Meanings

val vinaiyai – cruel sins
thIrppAn – to get rid of
azhagum aRivOmAy – having the beautiful knowledge (that emperumAn is our means to attain him)
kudangaL thalai mIdhu eduththukkoNdu suzhala Adi – keeping the pots on top of the head and dancing in such a way that they come down spinning (from the sky)
anRu – after that
a thadam kadalai – that expansive thiruppARkadal (milky ocean)
mEyAr thamakku – for emperumAn, who attained (in order to take rest after having danced with the pots)
nizhalum adithARum AnOm – we became his shadow and his pAdhuka (footwear)


val vinaiyaith thIrppAn azhagum aRivOmAy nizhalum adithARum AnOm – we, who are like a rat which has weak bones, instead of removing our sins through our  virtuous deeds, similar to removing dirt from a new, dirtied dress, have the beautiful knowledge of removing our sins with the help of the supreme being. We also became his servitors by remaining as his shadow and as his footwear. The word adithARu refers to both the footwear which fits well with the foot and the lines which are on the sole of the foot.

AzhwAr explains next as to for whom we are carrying out service.

suzhalak kudangal thalai mIdhu eduththukkoNdu Adi anRu aththadangadalai mEyAr thamakkuemperumAn, in his incarnation as krishNa, stood at the junction of four streets, manifesting the beauty of his divine form to all, and carried pots on his head, with which he danced. While dancing, he spun around in such a way that it appeared as if the pots were spinning from the sky. In order to take rest from the tiredness of such dancing, he reclined in the milky ocean. For such emperumAn, we became his shadow by remaining with him always. In the same way, we also became his footwear and the lines on the sole of his foot by carrying out service to him. The opinion here is that we became focussed and carried out service to emperumAn by remaining as his shadow during his incarnation as krishNa as well as later when he ascended to thiruppARkadal, much similar to how lakshmaNa had carried out service to SrI rAma, both at ayOdhyA and in the forest, when SrI rAma was awake or asleep.

We will go on to the 32nd pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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