mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 56 – niRam veLidhu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr says that one can enjoy this beauty of emperumAn but cannot estimate the beauty and say that it is like this. One can engage in enjoying the benefit of experiencing emperumAn’s beauty but it is not possible to describe that beauty.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

niRam veLidhu seydhu pasidhu karidhenRu
iRai uruvam yAm aRiyOm eNNil niRaivudaiya
nAmangai thAnum nalam puriya vallaLE
pUmangai kELvan polivu

Word by Word Meanings

iRai – sarvESvaran’s (supreme being’s)
uruvam – the divine auspicious form
niRam – by colour
veLidhu – will it be white? (Or)
seydhu – will it be red? (Or)
pasidhu – will it be green? (Or)
karidhu – will it be black?
enRu – of what colour will it be
eNNil – if we analyse
yAm aRiyOm – we will not know

(let this remain)
niRaivu udaiya – one who is complete in knowledge and power
nAmangai thAnum – sarasvathi dhEvi too
pU mangai kELvan – emperumAn, the consort of SrI mahAlakshmi who dwells on a lotus flower, his
polivu – the completeness
nalam pugazha vallaLE – does she have the power to praise? (No, she does not)


niRam veLidhu seydhu pasidhu karidhu enRu iRai uruvam yAm aRiyOm eNNil – if we try to analyse whether emperumAn’s complexion is whitish or reddish or greenish or blackish, we cannot know that, even a little bit.

yAm aRiyOm eNNil – we can only speak with devotion but cannot think with our mind. It is only this much. That we cannot think of, is not due to any shortage of our knowledge but because of his greatness.

niRaivudaiya nAmangai thAnum – even sarasvathi, who is apt to be attained by people of the world who try to speak about emperumAn and one who has the greatness herself to speak about emperumAn; sarasvathi dhEvi who has the quality to speak without any confusion and one who can speak in an unbiased way.

nalam pugazha vallaLE – is she capable of speaking completely about the auspicious qualities of emperumAn? Is she capable of speaking appropriate to emperumAn’s greatness ?

What is the reason for her being unable to praise emperumAn?

pUmangai kELvanpolivu – is it possible for sarasvathi to speak fully about the greatness of emperumAn who has as his servitor thirumagaL (SrI mahAlakshmi) who in turn has sarasvathi as her servitor! Is it possible for some people to speak about emperumAn’s greatness? Is it possible to speak in a place where emperumAn and pirAtti (SrI mahAlakshmi) are together? Has it not been mentioned in SrI rAmAyaNam AraNya kANdam 37-18 “apramEyam hi thath thEja: yasya sA janakAthmajA” (is it possible to estimate the radiance of SrI rAma with whom sIthA, the daughter of janaka, is together)! That it is not possible to estimate the greatness of emperumAn has been mercifully mentioned by nammAzhwAr too in thiruvAimozhi 1-1-1uyarvaRa uyarnalam udaiyavan” (one who has great auspicious qualities which cannot be surpassed by anyone).

iRai uruvam yAM aRiyOm eNNil – this the greatness of the divine form of emperumAn (implies that it is impossible to speak about his auspicious qualities).

We will take up the 57th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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