mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 21 – pEsuvAr evvaLavu

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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AzhwAr says “is it not impossible to speak about emperumAn estimating his capabilities?”. In the previous pAsuram, AzhwAr mentioned about vAmanAvathAram and in this pAsuram, he is speaking about krishNavathAram in which emperumAn, like vAmana, moved with everyone without any distinction.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

pEsuvAr evvaLavu pEsuvar avvaLavE
vAsa malarththuzhAy mAlaiyAn thEsudaiya
chakkaraththAn sanginAn sArngaththAn pongarava
vakkaranaik konRAn vadivu

Word by Word Meanings

vAsam malar thuzhAy mAlaiyAn – one who is adorning the thuLasi garland which is with fragrant flowers
thEsu udaiya chakkaraththAn – one who is having the radiant divine disc
sanginAn – one who is having SrI pAnchajanniyam (divine conch)
sArngaththAn – having the divine bow sArngam
pongu aravam vakkaranaik konRAn – emperumAn who killed dhanthavakkiran who came with lot of tumult
vadivu – characteristics [of emperumAn]

(when asked how they are)
pEsuvAr evvaLavu pEsuvar avvaLavE – to the extent to which those who speak about them, speak.


pEsuvAr evvaLavu pEsuvar avvaLavE – those who have the ability speak, spoke to the extent that they could. He is this much. It is not possible to know about all the characteristics of emperumAn and speak about them. Has it not been mentioned “mathikshayAth nivarthathE na gOvindha guNakshayAth” (people stop talking about gOvindha because of shortage of their knowledge and not because of shortage of his auspicious qualities)! Alternative explanation – he limits himself to the extent that his followers think about him and does not have anything for himself.

vAsam malarth thuzhAy mAlaiyAn – Reasons are given for why he cannot be spoken of, estimating him completely.

vAsam malarth thuzhAy mAlaiyAn – the word vAsam refers to coolness and fragrance. emperumAn is decorated with divine thuLasi garland which has coolness and fragrance, and is symbolic of the fact that he is the lord of all wealth.

thEsudaiya chakkaraththAn sanginAn sArngaththAn – he has divine disc, divine conch and divine bow which have unlimited radiance. It is implied here that his divine weapons add further radiance to his already radiant divine form.

pongu arava vakkaranaik konRAn vadivu – one who killed the demon dhanthavakkiran who came making lot of noise. Alternatively, the divine form of one who killed dhanthavakkiran who came tumultuously and uproariously [this refers to his killing dhanthavakkiran who came to help SiSupAlan when krishNa abducted rukmiNi].

We will take up the 22nd pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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