SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
emperumAn asks AzhwAr “you are saying that I have killed kamsan; I have killed kuvalayApIdam etc. You are only talking about my activities. What is it that you want? Say that.”. AzhwAr says “Have I not received all the benefits!”.
Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:
maNNulagam ALEnE vAnavarkkum vAnavanAy
viNNulagam thannagaththu mEvEnE naNNith
thirumAlaich chengaN adiyAnai engaL
perumAnaik kai thozhudha pin
Word by Word Meaning
thirumAlai – the swAmy (lord) of pirAtti (SrI mahAlakshmi)
sem kaN – having divine eyes like reddish lotus
nediyAnai – the supreme being
engaL perumAnai – emperumAn
naNNi – approaching
kai thozhudha pin – after worshipping him with joined palms
maN ulagam ALEnE – can I not administer this leelA vibhUthi (materialistic realm) under my control!
vAnavarkkum vAnavanAy – being the head of nithyasUris (permanent dwellers of SrIvaikuNtam)
viN ulagam than agaththu – all places in SrIvaikuNtam
mEvEnE – will I not enjoy great joy, comfortably!
mannulagam ALEnE – if one takes a step towards emperumAn, is ruling the earth a great task? Have I not got that too!
vAnavarkkum vAnavanAy viNNulagam thannagaththu mEvEnE – is being the head of nithyasUris and being in SrIvaikuNtam a great task? Have I not got that too!
vAnavarkkum vAnavanAy – I will be as much greater than nithyasUris as nithyasUris are greater than samsAris.
mEvEnE – just as SrI rAma gave his sandals to SrI bharathAzhwAn and asked him to look after the kingdom, I too got SrIvaikuNtam! Will SrIvaikuNtanAtha not give his divine feet and grace us to be like him! Just as nammAzhwAr had mercifully stated in thiruvAimozhi 4-3-11 “vaiyam manni vIRRirundhu viNNumALvar maNNUdE”, will emperumAn not make the two vibhUthis (nithya vibhUthi and leelA vibhUthi) mine! hanuman had mentioned in SrI rAmAyaNam yudhdha kANdam 116-24 “arthaScha mayA prApthA dhEvarAjyAdhayO guNA: hatha Sathrum vijayinam rAmam paSyAmi susthitham” (after seeing the victorious SrI rAma who had annihilated the enemies, all great things including the world of dhEvas have been obtained by me). In the same way AzhwAr too mentions that he has got both vibhUthis.
vAnavarkkum vAnavanAy – for the word vAnavar instead of nithyasUris, one can also construe dhEvas such as brahmA et al and we can consider the meaning as AzhwAr saying that he got all the wealth such as brahmA et al.
thirumAlaich chengaN nediyAnai engaL perumAnaik kai thozhudha pin – After approaching emperumAn, who is the consort of SrI mahAlakshmi, emperumAn who has the quality of motherly forbearance and emperumAn who is our Lord, and worshipping him with joined palms, is there any shortcoming in happiness and mOksham (SrIvaikuNtam)? Aren’t all these things present in emperumAn himself?
thirumAlai – did I approach brahmAchAri (celibate) emperumAn? Did I not approach thirumAL (consort of SrI mahAlakshmi)?
sem kaN nediyAnai – one who looks at those who worship him with lot of affection. Is emperumAn not of the type mentioned in mahAbhAratham uththara parvam 47-22 “gOvindhEthi yadhAgrandhath krishNa mAm dhUravAsinam ruNam pravrudhdhamiva mE hrudhayAnnApasarpathi” (the calling out of dhraupadhi from afar towards me did not leave my heart and was like a debt which kept increasing with interest over interest)!
engaL perumAnai – did I attain a place which is not apt for me? Did I not approach emperumAn who is very much related to me! Just as it is mentioned in SaraNagathi gadhyam “asman swAmin”, is he not our swAmy (lord)?
kai thozhudha pin – isn’t it true that both the vibhUthis become ours after worshipping him with joined palms!
We will take up the 91st pAsuram next.
adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan
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