upadhESa raththina mAlai – 38

SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:
SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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pAsuram 38

emperumAnAr tharisanam enRE idharku
namperumAL pErittu nAtti vaiththAr – ampuviyOr
indhath tharisanaththai emperumAnAr vaLarththa
andhach cheyal aRigaikkA.                                                                     38


Word by word meaning

ampuviyOr – For the residents of earth
aRigaikkA – to know (about),
andhach cheyal – that deed/achievement of
emperumAnArSrI bhAshyakArar
vaLarththa – enriching/growing
indhath tharisanaththai – this SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam,
namperumALemperumAn of thiruvarangam
nAtti vaiththAr – established firmly
pEr ittu – (with) the divine name
idhaRku – for this SrIvaishNava sampradhAyam
emperumAnAr tharisanam enRE – as emperumAnAr dharisanam.


He (maNavALa mAmunigaL) is divining about emperumAnAr’s nurturing of the prapaththi mArgam (way of prapaththi), and divining SrI bAshyam and other granthams to protect that way, and nurturing this sampradhAyam based on that, and for every one to know this namperumAL naming this sampradhAyam based on emperumAnAr’s name, and establishing that firmly – by starting this pAsuram with ‘emperumAnAr tharisanam’.

While SrIman nAthamunigaL and yAmuna munigaL (ALavandhAr) are enriching the dharSanam, namperumAL pointed out its name as ‘emperumAnAr dharSanam’ based on emperumAnAr’s goal as only helping the others.

namperumal-nachiar_serthi2namperumAL in sErththi (together with thAyAr, a special once-in-a-year treat)

It is similar to what is said in ‘maryAdhAnAmcha lOkasya karththA kArayithA cha sa: [SrI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 35.11]’ (~SrI rAma is the doer of the laws of justice, and is one who makes them follow it).

That is, the noble meanings he got from thirukkOttiyUr nambi after walking several times, he donated that in a big way even at the expense of himself, and returned (to SrIrangam); then namperumAL who thought ‘namakkAvArai nAmE thEdik koLvOm (~~we shall find the one who would be suitable for us), and so namperumAL gave very special name for this based on emperumAnAr, and said, from today ‘identify this path as emperumAnAr dharSanam’ (‘emperumAnAr dharSanam ennungOL’), and so divined his establishing of this, in this way in the world.

Or, instead of ‘nAtti vaiththAr’, when it is recited taught as ‘nAttuviththAr’ (made someone establish this), then, when emperumAnAr broke the command, crossed the boundary and taught prapaththi to others, seeing that greatness, thirukkOttiyUr nambi too in the same way gave him the divine name as ‘emperumAnAr’, and said, ‘from today say this as emperumAnAr dharSanam [guruparamparA prabhavam – page 195]’, and was nurturing it, so namperumAL who divined to (thirukkOttiyUr) nambi to let this name be known, He Himself divined this through nambi.

He (emperumAnAr) removed the loneliness of emperumAn that is said in ‘ALumALAr [thiruvAimozhi 8.3.3]’ (he is not having any one (and he himself is holding his conch and discus, nobody is involved in his divine feet, and so on)), and for removing the loneliness of the samsAris, by doing such teaching.

If asked what is the reason for namperumAL to establish this about dharSanam, he (maNavALa mAmunigaL) says,

‘ampuviyOr indhath tharisanaththai emperumAnAr vaLarththa andhach cheyal aRigaikkA’.

Due to inclusion of the name emperumAnAr in it, the dharisanam which emperumAnAr nurtured, the dharisanam which is of esteemed vaidhIkam, and is without any blemishes, which he grew through his teachings (upadhESam) – (namperumAL established this name for the dharisanam) for the people of the beautiful world to know this deed of emperumAnAr.

andhach cheyalai aRigiakkA(ga) – That is, for the people of the world to know such deed, and reach the true goal. That is, for the people of the world to know and reach true goal, he performed these deeds as a help for the worldnamperumAL wanted the people to know this so he named it as emperumAnAr dharisanam.

By this, his growing of the the dharsanam is through the prapaththi sAsthram is the fact that is well established.

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Translation: raghurAm SrInivAsa dhAsan

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