
SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:



anju kudikkoru santhathiyAy
AzhwArgaL thamseyalai vinji niRkum thanmaiyaLAy
pinjAyp pazhuththALai ANdALap paththiyudan nALum
vazhuththAy manamE maghizhnthu

அஞ்சு குடிக்கொரு சந்ததியாய்
ஆழ்வார்கள் தஞ்செயலை விஞ்சிநிற்கும் தன்மையளாய்
பிஞ்சாய்ப் பழுத்தாளை ஆண்டாளைப் பத்தியுடன் நாளும்
வழுத்தாய் மனமே மகிழ்ந்து.

About translation to English

When some sishyas approached emperumAnAr and requested him to do one more round (uru) of kAlakshEpam of thiruppAvai, he said that only ANdAL can fully explain its meanings, only little gOpikAs whom krishNan loved can better understand its meanings, and only ANdAL can fully know its meanings. So, for the rest of us, we could somewhat explain and somewhat understand the meanings of thiruppAvai, if we tried.

Ramanuja_SriperumbudurOf course, whatever adiyOngaL are able to write can only be an introduction, because the best source to understand the meanings of thiruppAvai or of any other dhivya prabandham is one’s AchAryan. With AchAryan’s blessings adiyOngaL would like to write here a little about the meanings of thiruppAvai. If you are interested in knowing more, kindly approach your AchAryan.

This effort of translating into English the vyAkyAnams (meanings) from our pUrvAchArya granthams is to spread the awareness of the sweet existence of them, and to popularize them among all srivaishNavas of all ages.

This is not a one-to-one translation of the vyAkyAnam, but tries to bring at least the essence of them.

If you see any important points missing in this effort, kindly let us know so that we could add them as appropriate.

Please continue reading and provide your feedback and comments.

About the vyAkyAnams for thiruppAvai

vyAkyAnams for thiruppAvai have been provided by several pUrvAchAryas.

3000 padi – by periyavAchan piLLai. (with 3 works by others that provide meanings for difficult words (padha urai))


6000 padi – by azhagiya maNavALa perumAL nAyanAr

nayanar2000 padi and 4000 padi – by thirunArAyanapuram Ay jananyAchArya


There are also svApadEsa vyAkyAnams (actual inner meanings) available, done by thirunArAyanapuram Ay jananyAchArya , ponnadikkAl jIyar and sudhdha sathvam dhOddachAryar. A list of pramANams (proof/quotes) from vEdham, etc., have also been compiled by our pUrvAchAryas.

aithihya nirvAgam for thiruppAvai have been compiled by several swamis. This is about incidents in our pUrvAchAryas time that are related to meanings of thiruppAvai pAsurams (example: when sishyas approached emperumAnAr to do one round (uru) of kAlakshEpam on thiruppAvai, he replied, ‘Even if anyone would be able to do that for thiruppallANdu, it would be hard to find one for providing meanings of thiruppAvai’.)

vyAkyAnam for thaniyans have been provided by piLLai lOkam jIyar.


Without puthUr swAmi’s additional efforts to provide meanings for hard-to-understand parts of the vyAkyAnam, one would not be able to understand the original vyAkyAnams at this day and age.


There are a couple of other sources which were helpful in doing the translation.

– ThiruppAvai viLakka urai – by AzhvArgaL amudha nilaiyam which is plain thamizh translation of the 3000padi vyAkyAnam for the most part.

– vaiNava urai nadai varalARRu muRaith thamizhp pEr agarAdhi – by santhi sAdhana – publishers, 125 Chamiers Road, Chennai 600 028, which is a GREAT resource to know the translation of sanskrit words occurring in our granthams. It is in thamizh. (If interested publisher’s contact number is 9940019804 in Chennai. (we are not associated with them n any way other than as buyers))

Related aricles on thiruppAvai:

Our efforts cannot match all of their efforts to bring us this wonderful dhivya prabandham. With our AchAryas’ blessings we initiate this effort, for the granthams to be more useful for various srIvaishNavas.

English translation by Raghuram Srinivasa dasan

0 thoughts on “thiruppAvai”

  1. On the day of “pORRIs”, adiyEn’s pallAndu to dEvareer’s thiruvadi for the wonderful service. Adiyen srivaishnava dasan.

  2. Thanks for dhEvarIr’s kind words swami. It is an immersive anubhavam to research the vyAkyAnam and write about it. It is great to see consistent feedback and comments from people like dhEvarIr.
    adiyen dasan.

  3. Pingback: ANdAL | AchAryas

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