nAchchiyAr thirumozhi – 6.5 – kadhir oLi dhIpam

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImadh varavara munayE nama:

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avathArikai (Introduction) – she tells in this pAsuram that she enjoyed emperumAn entering the wedding dais, received by auspicious lamps and pUrNa kumbham (sacred water contained in a pot, covered with coconut]

kadhir oLi dhIpam kalasam udan Endhi
sadhir iLa mangaiyar thAm vandhu edhir koLLa
madhuraiyAr mannan adi nilai thottu engum
adhirap pugudhak kanAk kaNdEn thOzhi! nAn

Word-by-Word Meanings

thOzhI! – Oh, dear friend!
sadhir iLa mangaiyar thAm – beautiful, young girls
kadhir oLi dhIpam – auspicious lamps which were having the effulgence of sUrya (sun)
kalasam – golden pots
udan Endhi – holding in their hands
vandhu edhir koLLa – coming to receive him
madhuraiyAr mannan – kaNNa pirAn, the lord of those who live in mathurA
adi nilai thottu – wearing his wooden sandals
engum adhira – with the entire earth quivering
pugudha – to enter mercifully
nAn kanAk kaNdEn – I dreamt

Simple Translation

Oh, dear friend! Even as beautiful, young girls, holding the auspicious lamps which were as effulgent as sUrya, and golden pots containing sacred water, came to receive him, kaNNa pirAn, who is the king of mathurA, wearing his sandals, entered the wedding dais, with the earth quivering. I saw this, in my dream.

vyAkyAnam (Commentary)

kadhir oLi dhIpam kalasam udan Endhi – considering that if there is any deficiency in the auspicious lamps or in the pUrNa kumbham, it would be deficiency in the marriage arrangements, they came with auspicious lamps which were as effulgent as sUrya, along with equally splendorous golden pots containing sacred water. Who came with these?

sadhir iLa mangaiyar – just as it has been mentioned in thiruvAimozhi 10-9-10 “niRai kuda viLakkamum madhimugamadandhaiyar Endhinar vandhE” (ladies with faces shining like moon, came holding pUrNa kumbham and auspicious lamps), women came to receive kaNNan, similar to young, beautiful women coming to receive mukthAthmA in paramapadham.

thAm vandhu edhir koLLa – they were of such age and beauty that everyone would look at them; they came forward to receive kaNNan, bowing their heads and looking at the floor, as they walked.

madhuraiyAr mannan –isn’t being called as the king of mathurA, which he chose to come to desirously after leaving paramapadham, more eminent than being called as parama padha nAthan (lord of paramapadham)? Even ANdAL, in her thiruppAvai 5 had desired to address him as “mannu vada madhurai maindhanai” (king of mathurA, in the north, which has ever present connection with matters related to bhagavAn). That emperumAn much desired this divine name is evident in the following narration: a SrIvaishNava, consecrated the idol of a krishNa, dancing for butter. He was wondering as to which divine name he could give for this vigraham. emperumAn came in his dream and told him “Instead of calling me in any other manner, call me as madhurai mannan”.

adi nilai thottu – donning the divine sandals.

engum adhirap pugudha – mercifully entering the wedding dais such that all the places in the dais trembled. vishNu dharmam 43-31 says “yasmin prayAthE’sura bhUbhruthO’dhvaram nanAma kEdhAdhavanis sasAgarA l sa vAmanas sarvajaganmayas sadhA mamAsthu mAngaLya vivrudhdhayE hari: ll” (Let that vAmanan, incarnation of emperumAn hari, who made the earth which is together with ocean to tremble when he walked to the yagya [rituals] arena of mahAbali, the king of monsters, multiply my auspiciousness always). Some people, who read this, asked some wise men as to what is the meaning of the term “Earth trembled”. The wise men responded, saying “Since he is the lord of all, when he walked, should we wonder why the earth trembled?” nanjIyar, who had heard of this, asked his AchAryan, bhattar whether this meaning was apt. bhattar replied saying “emperumAn is one who is used to giving everything to his followers. Since he came to take alms from someone, due to his anxiety, he came in such a manner that the earth trembled”. For the sake of three steps of land, if he could come with such anxiety, is it any wonder that he came with anxiety to marry ANdAL!

kanAk kaNdEn thOzhi nAn – the opinion here is that even though it was I who had dreamt of these, aren’t you the one who is happier than I, in this matter?

Next, we will consider the 6th pAsuram of this decad.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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