periya thirumadal – 54 – ennudaiya kaN kaLippa

SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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ennudaiya kaNkaLippa nOkkinEn nOkkudhalum
mannan thirumArbum vAyum adiyiNaiyum                                                    74

Word by word meaning

ennudaiya kaN kaLippa nOkkinEn – I saw such that my eyes rejoiced.
nOkkudhalum – to the extent that I had seen
mannan – (thirunaRaiyUr) nambi’s [emperumAn who is complete in all aspects and who resides in thirunaRiyUr]
thirumArbum – the chest where pirAtti (SrI mahAlakshmi) resides
vAyum – the divine mouth (which is full of his smile)
adi iNaiyum – the divine feet


kadandhu pukku nOkkinEn – Once he [emperumAn at thirunaRaiyUr] is seen, just as it is mentioned in periya thiruvandhAdhi 34kAlAzhum nenjazhiyum kaNsuzhalum” (my legs will stagger, heart will crumble and the eyes will whirl around (in bewilderment)), it will lead to loss of strength. Since one escaped from it, which will immerse the person in a whirl, it was possible to enter going past the door which is distinguished like gold. The opinion here is that one can only enter before encountering the weakness of seeing him and not after seeing him.

ennudaiya kaN kaLippa nOkkinEn – since I did not attain him, I became very weak; my eyes burnt and became dry, just like a huge ball of fire would dry up the entire ocean. Now I saw him such that the burning eyes, as mentioned above, became very cool.

kaLippa – just as this AzhwAr himself has mentioned in periya thirumozhi 7-10-9 “kangaLAraLavum ninRu kaNNamangaiyuL kaNdu koNdEnE” (I saw (emperumAn) at thirukkaNNamangai, a divine abode, until my eyes became fully satiated), I saw (thirunaRaiyUr nambi) until my famished eyes became fully satiated with sumptuous food.

nOkkinEn – Just as it is mentioned in thiruvAimozhi 1-1-3naNuginam nAmE” (we were fortunate to attain the emperumAn who has auspicious qualities), I, who am so lowly, saw emperumAn who is the most distinguished entity. Just as it is mentioned in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 69-9 “manyE prApthA: sma tham dhESam bharadhvAjO yamabravIth” (I think that we have reached the place mentioned by sage bharadhwAja), I reached my target which is like my AchAryan.

kaLippa nOkkinEn – Has it not been mentioned in SrI rAmAyaNam ayOdhyA kANdam 8-4 “dhrushta Eva hi na: SOkam apanEshyathi rAghava:” (rAghava (SrI rAma) is one who removes our sorrows as soon as he sees us)?

nOkkudhalum mannan – as soon as I saw him, he became my king and made me his servitor. He changed  me from being the king of thirumangai, wielding a sword and shield into parakAla nAyaki [thirumangai AzhwAr in feminine mood] who would engage in madal as soon as she sees him [emperumAn].

nOkkudhalum mannan – Just as it is mentioned in mahAbhAratham ASva parvam “rAjAdhirAja: sarvEshAm” (he is the king of kings for all), he [emperumAn] remains as the chakravarthy (emperor) for all the worlds.

mannan thirumArbum – Since emperumAn’s chest is the holding place for AzhwAr as it is where pirAtti (SrI mahAlakshmi), who is the purushakArabhUthai (one who recommends to emperumAn) dwells, AzhwAr is looking at his chest first, and not at his face. It could also be said that he is looking at the chest first since emperumAn embraces him against his chest and gets rid of AzhwAr’s longing due to separation. Another interpretation – due to natural shyness, he is looking at the chest and not at the face, first.

mannan thirumArbum – emperumAn became the emperor because of pirAtti’s connection, just as it is mentioned in “thiruvirundha pakkam thiRavidhu” (the entity on whose chest SrI mahAlakshmi has taken residence fittingly, is the supreme bring) and in SrI rangarAja sathakam “apAnkhA bhUyAmsO yadhupari param brahmA thathabhUth” (he became the supreme entity as pirAtti’s glances kept coming his way often).

vAyum – why mention about the divine mouth as soon as reference is made to his divine chest? Since emperumAn is smilng at pirAtti who is residing in his chest, he looks at the divine mouth after seeing the divine chest. The term vAy refers to the smile which engages AzhwAr. It could also be said that since emperumAn is comforting those who had surrendered to him in the presence of pirAtti by saying the words mA Sucha: (do not feel sad), AzhwAr is speaking about the divine mouth.

adiyiNaiyum – AzhwAr is speaking about the divine feet where one would fall at, after losing out to the chest, the smile and the word (mA Sucha🙂

In the next article, we will discuss the next part of this prabandham.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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