mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi – 10 – thEsum thiRalum

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

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When asked “When we experience emperumAn who is without any shortcoming in his beauty, we have to be appropriate for that. Hence should we not try and attain some benefits and then enjoy him?”. AzhwAr says “When you enjoy emperumAn falling head over heels, all the benefits will come on their own”. Is it enough if we speak only about the benefits that he has, do we not need to attain some? AzhwAr says, as we start reciting his divine names, all the wealth will come to us on their own in order to retain their true characteristics.

Let us go through the pAsuram and its meanings:

thEsum thiRalum thiruvum uruvamum
mAsil kudippiRappum maRRavaiyum pEsil
valam purindha vAnsangam koNdAn pErOdha
nalam purindhu senRadaiyum nangu

Word by Word Meanings

valam purindha vAn sangam koNdAn – emperumAn who is having the divine white coloured conch which is curling towards the right
pEr Odha – as his divine names are recited
pEsil – if (the advantages due to that are) spoken about
thEsum – radiance
thiRalum – the ability to win over others
thiruvum – wealth
uruvamum – beautiful form
mAsu il kudi piRappum – birth in a clan which is free from any faults
maRRavaiyum – and other benefits
nalam purindhu nangu senRu adaiyum – will come on their own, with desire


thEsum – Lot of  thEjas; in other words, esteem or true nature.

thiRalum – strength; ability to defeat others.

thiruvum – inseparable wealth.

uruvamum – beauty of the form

mAsil kudippiRappum – being born in a faultless clan – similar to the birth of sIthAppirAtti in janaka maharAja’s great clan. Has it not been mentioned mercifully in periya thirumozhi 1-1-9 that reciting emperumAn’s divine name will lead to being born in a great clan “kulam tharum”! Just as it has been mentioned in SrIvishNu purANam 1-9-1 “sa: kuleena:” (the one who has been graced by pirAtti will be in a great clan) only that person who recites emperumAn’s divine names will be considered to be in a great clan. Even if it is a person like guhan, who is a hunter or someone like vibhIshaNa, who is a demon, doesn’t emperumAn consider such persons as part of ikshvAku clan!

maRRum – what has not been stated

pEsil – if what has not been spoken of so far were to be spoken. It is not possible to state the benefits of reciting the divine names. Still, if it were to be spoken of…

valam purindha vAn sangam koNdAn pErOdha – reciting the divine names of the entity who is holding the white coloured SrI pAnchajanyam which is curved towards the right side.

nalam purindhu senRadaiyum nangu – it will come in some way or the  other, even if it had to crawl. All that is required for him (chEthana, sentient entity) is to recite the divine names of emperumAn. All these (benefits mentioned above) will come on their own. Just as he cannot sustain himself without reciting the divine names, these cannot sustain themselves without reaching him. Benefits which are mentioned in SrIvishNu purANam 1-9-131 “sa SlAgyas sa guNI dhanya: sa: kuleena: sa budhdhimAn” (he is apt to be praised, he has auspicious qualities, he is fortunate, he is from a high clan and is knowledgeable) and as mentioned in SrIvishNu purANam 1-9-125 “SarIrArOgyam aiSvaryam aripaksha kshayas sukham” (health, wealth, destruction of enemies and comfort) – all these will come on their own.

We shall move on to the 11th pAsuram next.

adiyEn krishNa rAmAnuja dhAsan

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