thiruvAimozhi – 1.4.6 – aruLAtha nIr

srImathE satakOpAya nama:
srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
srImath varavaramunayE nama:

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Introduction for this pAsuram

Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s introduction

Though emperumAn is ready to forgive the mistakes of everyone and protect them all, if he is not willing to forgive parAngusa nAyagi (who is special unlike anyone else) and mix with her and thereby not wanting to manifest his kAruNyam (compassion) etc., what can we tell him?

Highlights from nanjIyar‘s introduction

If emperumAn feels “If I mix with persons who are with offenses my reputation/greatness will be minimized – even if my nArAyaNathvam (being the protector of every one) becomes questionable, that is fine” – parAngusa nAyagi requests a beetle (bumble bee) to go “I will suggest an idea that will not cause any damage to his reputation – you ask him to do like that” .

Highlights from vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s introduction

Subsequently, parAngusa nAyagi tells a beautiful, radiant beetle (bumble bee) “Give a message to sarvEsvaran who has beautiful chakram in his hand”.

Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s introduction

Similar to nanjIyar‘s introduction.

Highlights from nampiLLai‘s introduction as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai

Previously, parAngusa nAyagi said “Even if you don’t want to eliminate our sufferings in separation, at least ensure that your nArAyaNathvam is not challenged”. For that, emperumAn replied “Even if my nArAyaNathvam is challenged, I do not want to be accused of mixing with unqualified persons”. Understanding this, parAngusa nAyagi requests a beetle “There is a way where he does not get accused of mixing with unqualified persons yet ensuring we sustain ourselves; he can take a stroll for a sport or to protect an elephant (gajEndhran) etc; at such times, if he passes through our streets, that will not hurt his reputation. We would also sustain ourselves by seeing him through the window. Since this is possible, ask him to do that”.


அருளாத நீர் அருளி அவர் ஆவி துவரா முன்
அருள் ஆழிப் புள் கடவீர் அவர் வீதி ஒரு நாள் என்று
அருள் ஆழி அம்மானைக் கண்டக்கால் இது சொல்லி
அருள் ஆழி வரி வண்டே. யாமும் என் பிழைத்தோமே?

aruLAdha nIr aruLi avar Avi thuvarA mun
aruL Azhip puL kadavIr avar vIdhi oru nAL enRu
aruL Azhi ammAnaik kaNdakkAl idhu solli 
aruL Azhi vari vaNdE yAmum en pizhaiththOme

Word-by-Word meanings (based on vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s 12000 padi)

Azhi – circle shaped
vari vaNdE – Oh beetle that has stripes in your body!
aruL – Having mercy more than emperumAn himself
Azhi – having chakkaraththAzhwAr (sudharSana chakram)
ammAnai – that master
kaNdakkAl – on seeing
aruLAdha nIr – You who have vowed not to show your mercy on parAngusa nAyagi since she has committed many sins/mistakes
aruLi – breaking such sankalpam and showing compassion once
avar – her
Avi – AthmA  (soul)
thuvarAmun – Before her existence dries up
aruLAzhi – ocean of mercy
puL – periya thiruvadi (garudAzhwAr)
avar vIdhi – In the street where she resides
oru nAL – at least one day
kadavIr enRu – take a stroll like you did to protect gajEndhrAzhwAn
idhu solli aruL – please tell him this
yAmum – (If you don’t come) we,
en pizhaiththOm – what mistake was committed?

Simple transalation (based on vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s 12000 padi)

Oh circle shaped beetle who has stripes on your body! When you go and see the master who has sudharSana chakram (who is even more merciful than emperumAn himself) in his hand, please tell him “Oh you who have vowed not to show your compassion on parAngusa nAyagi since she has committed many sins/mistakes! You break your vow and show your compassion once by taking a stroll on the street where she lives on garudAzhwAr (who is an ocean of mercy) at least one day – before she loses her existence”. If he refuses to do so, she would wonder “What mistake did we commit that he does not even pass by our street?”.

vyAkyAnams (commentaries)

Highlights from thirukkurukaippirAn piLLAn‘s vyAkyAnam

Similar to vAdhi kEsari azhagiya maNavALa jIyar‘s translation.

Highlights from nanjIyar‘s vyAkyAnam

Similar to piLLAn‘s vyAkyAnam.

Highlights from periyavAchchAn piLLai‘s vyAkyAnam

Similar to nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam.

Highlights from nampiLLai‘s vyAkyAnam as documented by vadakkuth thiruvIdhip piLLai

  •  aruLAdha nIr – Just like you once vowed as srI rAma in srI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 29.10 “…Ethath vratham mama” (this is my vow to protect those who surrender unto me), now you have vowed to not shower your mercy upon me. We (nampiLLai) cannot understand the current state of AzhwAr, who once said “mayarvaRa madhinalam aruLinan” (he blessed me with unblemished knowledge), who is now saying “aruLAdha nIr” (you who are not blessing me). Here, parAngusa nAyagi is giving a name/title “aruLAdha nIr“.
  • aruLi – blessing me – Compassion is your intrinsic nature. parAngusa nAyagi’s state is so pitiable that even the most unkind person would feel compassion for her. So, why are you not blessing her?
  • avarAvi thuvarAmun – Bless parAngusa nAyagi before she loses her existence. Just like sIthA pirAtti requested hanumAn to inform srI rAma about her state in srI rAmAyaNam sundhara kANdam 39.10 “jIvanthIm mAm yathA rAmassambAvayathi kIrthimAn…” (by conveying the message using the appropriate words to the illustrious srI rAma, so that he can console me while I am surviving, you become virtuous through speech), here parAngusa nAyagi is requesting the beetle and the beetle is informing the message to emperumAn.
  • aruLAzhip puL – garudAzhwAr who is an ocean of mercy; earlier, when garuda carried emperumAn away from her, she said “vem chiRaip puL” (garuda with cruel wings); now that garuda will bring emperumAn to him, she says “aruLAzhip puL“.
  • kadavIr – “kadaththal” in thamizh is used to indicate driving a vehicle etc (which is achEthanam – without knowledge) with the effort of the driver. But here, though garuda is chEthanam (knowledgable), he may sometimes be a little bit lethargic/slow (desiring to enjoy emperumAn who has a tender body being seated on him) and emperumAn desiring to help his devotees quickly, drives garuda by poking him etc., to increase garuda’s speed.
  • avar vIdhi – Where should he take a stroll on garuda? In the street where parAnkusa nAyaki lives. Would it not be suspicious if a person regularly strolls in a street where a girl lives?
  • orunAL – To help us sustain ourselves, he Just needs to visit for one day.
  • aruLAzhi ammAnai – Multiple explanations given by nampiLLai.
    • Our master who is ocean of mercy as stated in periyAzhwAr thirumozhi 4.9.2 “thAmaraiyALAgilum sidhaguraikkumEl ennadiyAr adhu seyyAr” (Even if srI mahAlakshmi herself finds fault in his devotees, he would say “My devotees would not do anything wrong”). His mercy is even greater than the mercy of periya thiruvadi (garudAzhwAr).
    • Considering “aruL” (compassion) as adjective for “Azhi” (sudharSana chakram) – our master who has the most merciful sudharsana chakram in his hands. He is already glorified by nammAzhwAr in thiruviruththam 33 “aruLAr thiruchchakkaram” (sudharSana chakram who has abundance of mercy). emperumAn himself borrows his mercy from sudharSana chakram. Even if emperumAn refuses to show mercy, his sudharSana chakram will show mercy towards the devotees.
  • idhu solli aruL – you tell him “aruLAzhip puL kadavIr avar vIdhi orunAL
  • Azhi varivaNdE – beautiful beetle which eliminates our fatigue on seeing it. It can also be said that though the beetle is small, it is most generous/helpful – willing to fulfil the desire of parAngusa nAyagi. This indicates that both the form and qualities of gataka (AchArya) are to be cherished.
  • yAmum en pizhaiththOmE – What mistake did I commit? “yAmum” (us also – um in the end indicates “also”) – Just like you let us suffer after separating from us, did we also wait for you to come at your pace? While you are the one who surrendered to an animal (sugrIva) and sent an animal (hanumAn) as messenger – now we have reversed that role (surrendering to crane, beetle etc., and sending them as messengers). Even after this, you not coming here – is it your fault or ours?

In the next article we will enjoy the next pAsuram.

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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